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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jody, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Ok for some time now Jasper has been chasing cats out of out back yard or around the back yard until they decide to jump the fence. I've always been frightened because I thought 'what happens when she does catch one'. Well that had been confirmed for me yesterday after noon, when this tiny little brown kitten had gotten in our yard, Jasper was full on after it....Running around in circles for about 2 minutes, this little kitten decides to stop dead in the middle of the yard and jasper tripping over herself (funny stuff). I couldn't get out the back door quick enough to save this little kitten, when Jasper walked over to it, licked it for a minute and walked away and played with her toy.........PHEW :lol:

    The little kitten belonged to the lady that lived at the back of us, and said she'd only just gotten it, it was returned safely to her home.....
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jody, I think the urge is to chase, some dogsi will kill a cat but others are totaly confused when the cat doesnt make chase and think what the heck!

    I had company over the week-end and their dog chases cats. My cat Midas does not run he just sits around and this poor dog was so confused.

  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala can "catch" one of our cats - mostly because she is not the sharpest tool in the shed and just sits there. Nala chews on her ears and tail and basically totally slimes her. Poor thing. I always have to go and rescue her.

    Bonnie, who ignored the cats at first, now chases them. Nala taught her. But I can call Bonnie off them easily (Nala goes deaf). But now Bonnie has taken to barking at the cats in a very scary way when they are on the other side of the gate. I scold her for it. But if she is on the same side of the gate with a cat, she leaves it alone. And if Nala is not present, Bonnie actually seems scared of the cats. She's confused about them, apparently. :0011:

  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh what a scare that was.
    I know for a fact sasha will chase cats if they run. She will stand before them and if they do nothing she goes about her business. She once got smacked silly from my bosses cat that outweighs her by about 10 to 15 lbs. This cat liked her but she does not like any animal rubbing on her. Romeo got offened when she jumped back and barked. He started with the smack down and poor sasha was crying and begging to be picked up. Of course I did. I don't think Rufus would hurt a cat either. Just loves the chase. He won't even attack a dog thats attacking him.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh man. That kitten wouldn't have lasted a second if it stoped in front of my dogs!!! I thikn mine are kin to Alf!!! Bon Apetite!
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    my dog has spent her entire life living with cats...even my foster cat can get right under my Sadie's chin and eat with Sadie. Not bad for a GSD :eek: she's a good girl.

    When I foster Sadie is my test to see how a cat does with a dog...she's great for this cause she doesn't react. But I think if she were (well I know) outside running around she'd chase.

    We have a neighbor whose cat has haunted our yard for years and Sadie HATES him. I like Domino....but he's one of those daring creatures who likes to basically sit in the yard under Sadie's watchful eye just teasing her. I know Sadie would shake Domino till he drooped.

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