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Cavelier King Charles Puppy owners *read first*

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by myohmy123, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. myohmy123

    myohmy123 New Member

    I'm about to adopt a puppy and am wondering what downsides this adorable breed has? :eek: THanks so much! I jsut joined today! :mrgreen:
  2. myohmy123

    myohmy123 New Member

    oh and are they hard to train? Thanks again! :mrgreen:
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi and welcome. :D

    Heres a good little website with a lot of info on there. If you go to the menu, click on Breed info there is a section on potential health issues, its more of a general not specifically for Cavs except for MVD which is a heart condition.


    One of my aunts used to breed them years ago, she had some problems with one of her females each time she bred her, just in the actual breeding though, the pups were always fine and she handled the pregnancies well. She mentioned that some females are difficult to actually put to the male.

    As far as the training is concerned, in my experience (and I really havent worked with that many) they can be a little fiesty but sensitive, similar to Pekingese personality...meaning they act all tough but if your too stern with them it will severely knock their confidence and will need a lot of work to build them up again....and then theyre back to their usual fiesty self. Sweet dogs.

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