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Chew toys??? which one?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by nanc76, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. nanc76

    nanc76 New Member

    I have an alomost 6 month old GSD. I was told not to giver her rawhide bones they are very bad. But she just loves to chew. i bout her one of the chewable ribbery tyoe and she wont even go near it...LOL

    I have heard bully sticks are good but not for her age. Can someone please advise me which would be acceptable for her....I hated taking the rawhide away she just loved them :)
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have yet to find satisfactory chew toys that last (that they can eat inside). My dogs will chew forever outside on the leftover beef ribs from their dinner, but I don't let them bring those in the house.

    Inside, I have given mine those stuffed marrow bones you can buy at the pet store and after they eat the stuffing out, they like to keep chewing on them. I have heard stories about dogs getting their jaw stuck in the hollow center, so I try to buy ones that are either too big to get stuck, or too small. Remarkably, they also like the "Nylabone Big Chew Turkey Leg" (http://content1-nylabone-big-chews-turkey-leg.animal-discount.com/) but I worry they will break their teeth! (Maybe I just worry too much... :oops: ) They chew on the very end of it and haven't had any problems yet. Both my dogs and all of my fosters seem to like that one.

    Bully sticks are good and some of the edible Nylabones, but they are too expensive for me because the dogs go through them so fast.

    If you are good at stuffing a Kong, those can last a while.
  3. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    I gave my pups bully sticks, I'm not sure why she shouldn't have them at her age???

    There is a treat toy called Everlasting Treat ball that I bought that is an absolute hit at my house. I hesitated for a long while over this toy because I was sure that my dogs would shred it instantly...but they have had it for months and not a scratch. They will fight over it, so I have to separate them for play time. I usually take it to work with whichever dog goes with me to avoid arguments. When they sink a tooth into the rubbery material, it disappears as they pull away..it's amazing. They did not like the vanilla mint flavored inserts but love the other flavors.
    The same company makes a lime green ball(Everlasting Fun Ball) that you can put small kibble bits in, it's less expensive, but gets the same enthusiasm. Witt tosses it in the air and slams it on the floor trying to get the treats out.



    Other options:


    Tire toys (my dogs spit out the chunks as they tear it apart, if your doesn't I wouldn't let her have it)

    Traffic safety cone...I had one for my horse, who ignored it. We brought it home and the dogs are nuts for it.

    Bowling ball...another huge hit. Yes Witt tries to chew on it.
    This is a link to Witt's favorite toy, he has one in each size and loves the big one best. We filled it halfway with water, he chews the heck out of these, when they get too deeply scratched up they attract hair and other icky stuff and become the outside ball and we get him a new one for inside.

    He has a couple of these others too... Nobbly Wobbly is ignored at our house

    marrow bones(raw)
    knuckle bones(raw)

    The Z-Ridge Dental chew looks good...

    These are good..and NOT rawhide. I also buy Midwest's muscle or tendon chews.


    Greenies has a toy now that is for chewing , not eating. It is watermelon scented and shaped like a toothbrush. My daughters dog won one in a trick contest. It's not something I would have purchased...but the dogs really like it. It comes in three sizes and three hardnesses.

    http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_ ... 7839363383

    This is a great "keep Busy" toy...you can put tennis balls inside, or teats and they work at getting them out. Annie loves this toy and will spend a great deal of time trying to get stuff out. It's indestructable!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hey Maisey - can those last two items stand up to heavy chewers?
  5. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    The greenies toothbrush is a favorite of both Witt and Annie, they both go to town on it frequently and it's still in one piece. I was really shocked they liked it, we have tried toys like this before and they could have cared less about them. Maybe the scent on this one? I think they will eventually break this one down, but it has held up longer than I expected. They have had it since the Spring.

    The Hollee-Roller was a toy I bought for Dooley years ago, it was gauranteed for life. Dooley doesn't like it, and Witt is not at all impressed unless I put a wad of newspaper in it. Annie however, thinks it's the greatest. I put tennis balls in it and she will play forever. She flings it, chews on it, pounces on it and throws it at us. They have one like this thats egg shaped to and In put treats in that one. She likes it alot as well.
    It has so far been indestructable.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oooo, newspaper!! Nala would go to town on that. I always wondered what those "balls" were good for, because the rubber is so soft Nala might rip pieces off. I'll have to try it now!

    Actually, I tend to toss empty paper towel tubes and cardboard boxes at her and she has a blast shredding them. Of course, there's cleanup time for humans at the end of that.
  7. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I was wondering - would there be any harm in giving a dog a tire to play with? Like a real, used, truck tire?

    Indy loves rubber but no rubber toy I have ever bought has lasted longer than 5 mins.
  8. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    My puppy loves any toy you will give her but she especially likes ones with rope... she is an Australian Shepherd and she also loves to chew.. she has chewed 3 cell phone chargers, shredded napkins, and chewed tires off of toy cars. I hope i helped you out
  9. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    At Petco they sell rawhide that was made in the US and doesn't have all of the chemiclas in it, so that's what i've started buying and feeding my two puppies, they love them!
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    I like the Merrick products. I've used their rawhide squares (no additives) and various types of their bones. Stuffed marrow bones are a big hit with Natalie as are knuckle bones. Kongs are great, both of my dogs love them and spend lots of time working on getting the goodies out. Natalie went through plenty of edible Nylabones as a puppy.
  11. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    Let me tell you a hint my vet told me. Try not to get the one chew toys with the strings. The vet does alot of surgerys and she finds out that the dog's problem is that them strings wrap around the dogs bladder or something like that. If you get try to get something that they cant choke on or swollow. i know it is hard though. 8)


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