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Clown Loach in a Tiger Barbs image?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by OneWolvesDream, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    hey, my sister bought two tiger barbs because they where babys and they where cute. then the bigger one started chasing the younger one so i said i would care for it untill it is older. so now i have him in my tank and he is copping everything my clown loach is! as in my clown loach goes up the tank, the baby goes up! now they are both going through the gravel together. so these are my questions: does my tiger barb think it is a clown loach? and when it gets older will it still be a fin nipper and all that, that a barb is. sorry its not that clear but i did my best. lol.
  2. RottweilersRule

    RottweilersRule New Member


    if your sister only had two tiger barbs then yeah thats what they'll do to eachother, if she got more then theyd form a school.. but in this case it's pretty cool how your loach and tiger are forming a bond... last time i checked the clown loach and tiger barb is a species that are reccomended to be with eachother and i believe they have the same exact colors too...
  3. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    yeah, thats why i thought it might think it is a clown loach. its so cute how he follows my loach all over the place :lol: but im still wondering what is goin to happen,
  4. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    Its best if there are more than 7 tiger barbs in the tank.. Besides, if you put clown loaches, they will be fine.. Tiger barbs will be fascinated by the colours of clown loaches because of their similar colouration. Perhaps you might want to add kuhli loaches, which also have similar colouration as well.. Even if you have 2 of them, I think they won't be fin-nippers in my humble opinion.. Best of luck! :eek:
  5. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    Its best if there are more than 7 tiger barbs in the tank.. Besides, if you put clown loaches, they will be fine.. Tiger barbs will be fascinated by the colours of clown loaches because of their similar colouration. Perhaps you might want to add kuhli loaches, which also have similar colouration as well.. Even if you have 2 of them, I think they won't be fin-nippers in my humble opinion.. Best of luck! :eek:
  6. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    thanks, yeah the only reason why we only got two was because i have put a whole bunch of my fishes in her tank so i could treat them for their nipped fins that happend with angel fish and light fights. (when a fight happend i seperated them) so she insisted on them, so we got them for her. but as i said the one i have was picking on the smaller one and she was complaining and wouldnt shut up so i took it :lol: i wanted to get more but i dnt think it would be worth it because of my poor other fish.

    ever since he joined the clown loach he dnst bother the other fish and the others dont bother him.

    its actually cute how the clown loach has bonded with him. when my clown will "sleep" the barb will rest on the gravel and wait for my clown loach to wake up.

    But do you think my tigerbarb will spend the rest of its days as a clown loach? this is actually so amazing!

    One more thing. please if you are planing to try this be very careful! this is the first time this has ever happend to me. if you try use extream caution because of adaption levels. they say that they can get along but when i first added the barb the loach was agressive to the barb!

    also i wish i could add the kuhli loaches but my tank is already to full. even though it may look like there arnt many fish. but its already to much.
  7. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    OneWolvesDream.. well, in my opinion, having kuhli loaches is not harmful or overstocked because they're small and like to bury in the sand..They hardly come out unless they are searching for food.. Hope you reconsider keeping these wonderful little creatures.. Best of luck.

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