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Collars, Leash, Harness

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Angie, Apr 18, 2004.

  1. Angie

    Angie New Member

    At the weight pull there was this guy ( I think from Dallas) making and selling collars, leashes and harnesses. Very thick leather, durable, AND at a VERY good price!
    My brother got a leather collar and leash for $30!!!!! Made right there in front of us. The guy was very nice and you can call and order it and get it like the next day (I think he said). You can get them plain, with writing, or with spikes. It costs a little more with letters or spikes, I believe, but not much. I think its a very good deal!
    So, I though I would share with everybody his information.

    Johnn Dogg
    Custom Made Dog Collars

  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Thats cool, thanks for the info many people are always looking for a good supplier. My friend went to the OK show with a crap load of stuff last weekend! He's got just about everything one would ever need for their yard.
  3. Sook

    Sook New Member

    You know, i've been through so many harnes's and leads, plastic clips, pathetic stiching, flimsy junk metal/alloy, Down here in New Zealand i personally dont know of anyone who makes "decent" harness's for dogs @ a reasonble price.....

    Catch 22 for me :( :cry:
  4. Sook

    Sook New Member

    Could someone in his local area enquire if he has a email address?

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