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Compatability Question for anyone

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by sakura.seppun, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    I just came across a 29 gallon tank that I will start to cycle and set up in about a week. I want to move my two male dwarf gouramis and 3 male guppies over to it as the fish in my 10 gallon, Betta included, will be moved to the 20.
    I wanted to know if I could keep the 2 gouramis and 3 guppies with 1 Peacock Eel (10 in) and one Red Parrot (8 in). And if it is possible to add a school of 3 opaline gouramis. If no on the 3 opalines, I would like to add a Gold Dojo Loach (4 in) or two but I'm afraid of them fighting with the Eel as they're both bottom feeders. Is any of this possible? If not, are there any suggestion to what I could add to the gouramis and guppies.
  2. gravity

    gravity New Member

    I had 3 opalines in a 29g with 5 dwarf gouramis, and the opalines wiped out the dwarves in less than a week. I can't speak to the eel or the parrot, but I think the parrot might be a bad idea just based on its size.

    As for suggestions, you could put a red tailed shark or rainbow shark in that tank. If you're not set on the eel, corydoras would also be a good choice. A group of otos could handle the algae too. There's a lot you can do with that tank set up.
  3. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    I was thinking about a red tail, but I wasn't sure if it would attack the gouramis.
  4. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    I tink the safest way to go is stick with the two gouriamis and do a couple different schools of tetras and cories.
    I would say no to the eel, and the ghost knive becasue they will get to big.
    And for the parrot they need at least 25 - 30 gallons each.
  5. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    sorry i ment the loach would not be compatible not a ghost knive.
  6. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I've kept a red tail shark with gouramis before. He never attacked any of my fish and he loved to stay close to my cories.
  7. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    Thank you for the suggestions everyone.
    Hmm, what about 2 gouramis, 3 guppies, some cherry barbs, and a red tail.

    Even at only 8 inches Red Parrots need 30 gallons? I know they're a hybrid chiclid so I don't know about how much swimming space they need.
  8. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Although the red tail black shark only gets 4-6" it is still very territorial.
    The gouriamis are also territorial so that may cause problems as well.
    Im not sure how long the guppies will last but the barbs should be fine.
    I would also add some larger tetras, you could probly do 3 or 4 congo tetras or Buenos Aires tetras.
  9. gravity

    gravity New Member

    I've personally kept a red tailed shark with dwarf gouramis and never had a problem. RTS's are generally only territorial towards other sharks. As for the suggestion of barbs and tetras... I think it's a bad idea, especially with guppies. Tetras tend to nip fins, and guppies have plenty of fins to nip. The guppies wouldn't last long, and the gouramis might be bothered too. Dwarves tend to be very passive, and probably wouldn't do much to defend themselves even if they're bigger than the tetras.
  10. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    Alright; 2 dwarf gouramis, 3 guppies, 1 peacock eel, maybe 3 cherry barbs.


    Could one red parrot and a few corys be okay?
  11. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    In my opinion and from experience guppies tetras and Gourimais all get along fine. I have 3 guppies, 15 tetras and a dwarf gouriamis in my 25 gallon and its been almost a year and ive only had 2 fish die and it was from ammonia burn.
    I ve never kept a RTS but ive kept a rainbow shark and it killed almost all the tetras in my tank.
    As for the barbs they do nip at fins but ive also kept Danios (very simmilar to Barbs) with guppies with no problem at all.

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