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Constipated 1 1/2 old Chihuahua??? Help....

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by luchito, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. luchito

    luchito New Member

    I have a 1 1/2 old male chihuahua who is eating and drinking and urinating just fine but hasn't gone number two in two days. He is also very tired and sleeping much more than normal. At first I thought he was depressed because we just added a new malte-poo puppy to our family but I am not sure what it is anymore. Any guess or suggestions?
  2. doglover1234

    doglover1234 New Member

    As for the constipation normally I would say add some canned pumpkin liek a tbl spoon to his food but with the sleeping more than normal I might call your vet to rule out anything else. Nothing is coming to mind off hand what those two symptoms could be from might be two totally unrelated issues. You could try the canned pumpkin and some extra love to let him know he is still your baby. Often times when adding a new dog without meaning too the other dogs feel left out and threatened. So make sure he is getting plenty of alone time with you as well and still treated like the loved baby he is !

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