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constipated peekapoo not sure what to do

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Haze4285, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Haze4285

    Haze4285 New Member

    My pup has had trouble doing his business Since I got him. The vet told us it was stress, and did some blood work on him telling us he was completely healthy. H'es on special food and a stool softener, but is still having trouble going! I have no idea where to go from here.. Im worried there's something more to his problem.. :(
  2. Weeble

    Weeble New Member

    Poor guy! How long have you had him? My peekapoo gets plugged up every time he goes to the groomer's, stress definitely seems to be the culprit for him. (The one time I took him to the vet for it, of course the little rascal took a big dump there!) Good luck, hope he's better soon.
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Try adding some plain canned pumpkin or sweet potato to his food. That usually does the trick, and also helps with anal gland problems.

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