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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by 2pyrs, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    It's not and easy topic as most of us have our own ways of controlling our guys. Some from what we learn over the years and others from training courses. But I doubt they teach real control at Pet Smart and most back yard schools beyond sit and stay. I hope none of you ever get into a situation such as I have been in but as there are more owners of dogs and many, to many who don't have control of there guys it most likely well happen one day when you don't expect it. A nice walk and a lose dog attacks you or your guy or a kid or even and adult running at or reaching for your pet or a kid ridding by on his bike and kicking at your guy as he goes by, oh yes I had that one happen. My dad use to say as many nuts as there are on our tree in the back yard there are people out there.
    So tell us what has happen to you and your guy and how did you handle it and folks don't get on the person for the way they handled there situation you weren't there so give them a brake ok. The idea here is to learn and consider what they did and apply if need be to you and yours.

    Be nice :)
    Posted earlier.
    Before any one gets there bowels in a up roar. The COOKING POT>
    Well it was a nice day for a few hours about a year ago but my two males decided it was time to challenge each other. I was just starting to cook there food when they got into it. I tried to get them apart but had little room as they decided to get into it in the back laundry room. I was left with only two choices and I did not like the one of them getting hurt so I grab the large pot and banged it on the wall two three time this did no good so I took it up a level and gave each a smack in the butt soft but it did little good and they were getting more hostile, there was now blood. I don't think anyone wants to hurt there pets but there may come a time you have to chose. I hit one in the head with the pot and tried to take them apart only to have the other one take advantage of the other so a second hit at the other guy stopped them both. They both stopped and gave me a look and it gave me time to separate them. Were they hurt not from my pot but they both had miner cuts and bites and one broken tooth. I could have sat down and held each of them and loved them but I chose to let them know how unhappy I was and bang the pot on the floor and wall. No love no cookies for the day. The next day after I let them back together they would give each other the evil eye and take fighting stands so I would grab the pot and bang it on the door and to this day when they hear the pot from any where in the kitchen they walk off, NO FIGHT, The pot is now used only for cooking but I think they know it could come out if need be. Keep in mind I did not us the pot as a teaching tool for all there training just for there fighting and as I have said it was year ago and since that time I have only had to show them the pot twice.They now know I am the leader in the pack and my word is the last word.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It's not a funny topic, but I'm giggling.


    LOL. Thanks for the topic, 2pyrs. I don't have any fights to share....errr, well maybe I do.

    We tried to adopt an Aussie when Nala was 9 months old. This was the most mellow Aussie ever, and smart as a whip. They got along beautifully for a day, and then he began attacking her. The first time was a resource issue, but I couldn't see any reason for the other two times, although there must have been one. Nala did not defend herself. She tried to get away or was pinned to the ground, yelping.

    The first time, she walked into his crate. He attacked very suddenly and she was trapped inside. His butt was sticking outside the crate, so I grabbed him by the hips and slid him out backwards. Boy, was I scared. I had known this dog for a day and I was SURE he was going to bite me. But he didn't. He just totally stopped.

    The next couple of times, it was the same sort of thing. I dragged him by the hips, or once I had them both dragging leashes so I was able to grab a leash and pull him off her. He ended up going to a foster home. :(

    Nala and Bonnie have fought twice. Once was over their stuffed Kongs, even though both of them had one. That time I grabbed a cup full of kibble (which I use for training treats) and rattled it. I opened the back door and as Nala shot out, I threw some kibble outside with her and shut the door. I gave Bonnie some inside. I brought Nala back in and we headed directly to their crates and bedtime.

    The next time my husband was home and he just waded right in and separated them. I went outside with Nala to let them cool off and then let her back in, and then everything was fine. I am not sure what caused that one.

    Once on a walk I had a beagle come tearing straight for Nala and I. It was off-leash with no owner in sight. I know it was just a beagle, but I still didn't want to get bitten. I stepped in front of Nala and stomped my foot and told it "No!" and "Go home!" It eventually went away (and almost got hit by a car - that was scary).

    I have seen other loose dogs while out on a walk. I usually cross the street or go a different way to avoid them if possible.

  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Wow that is crazy 2pyrs, you had a heart attack last year right? was this when it happened? It was quick thinking. I have never had any problems like that with luther, but with my old dog Sentry(1/2 lab, 1/4 chow, 1/4 pit bull) we had quite a few disturbances. One year I lived with 5 guys, one had the same dog CAssidy(collie shephard mix, maybe she was a rescue) all year long. And between the other 4 someone always had another animal in the house maybe the were babaysitting or fostering, sometimes their parents dogs. So there was generally alot of chaos. But mainly between Cassidy and Sentry, my roommate always blamed it on Sentry because I didn'T discipline her enough according to him because I wasn'T constantly shouting and hitting my dog, my dog was bad. where as with cassidy he always yelled at her and hit her. anyway whenever they would get into a fight inside the house he would always pick up his dog and kick sentry away. but if I were to seperate them if I touched sentry or said no, in the slightest bit it would break her attention away from cassidy and she would look at me and realize she did something bad and sit in the corner (she had alot of time outs). I think in those situations the first time it happens you also are so excited what should i do oh no do want to hurt anyone they are hurting each other, and a gazillion things go through your head in that second.
    I have also heard that pit bull people carry big sticks with them in case something happens.
  4. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Yes I had a heart attack a little over a year ago but not from my guys.

    I have also heard that pit bull people carry big sticks with them in case something happens.)

    My wife had a Pit and it was so gentile and loveable she never carried a stick to protect her or her dog, I just don't understand all this stuff with Pits. But it seems to me that the ones that are bad come from bad homes. I have seen Germans put down at one time and Danes, and even toy Poodles as breeds that were dangerous or mean dogs. I still feel after more then 40 years of dogs,cats and others that as many have said here it's not so much the dog but the owner. You teach a child hate and not love and that is what he well be when he grows up full of hate.
    It was quick thinking. )

    It really was not my first choice but my only one. My first one was to be stupid and step in-between them.
    I always love the one that some one wrote on how to break up a fight between two dogs of yours. Step behind one and grab him by his tail and pull him away from the other dog (SURE) Lets see wife 135lbs -Pyrs male 165lbs of muscle, Duh I wonder who well win this tug of war.
    I did neglect to say Arthur was a rescue we got on our own and Riley was 1 1/2 year old at the time of the fight, we got him as a pup so you see it was somewhat my fault for not keeping and eye on Riley knowing that the day would come he would challenge the order of things.
    So you see as I said it's not the dogs but us in the end, they paid the price because of stupidity.

  5. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    I have noticed that there has been very little response here so I well assume that most all of the people here have total control at all times over there guys. I think that those of us who have responded would really appreciate it if you could share a few of your secrets.

    Once on a walk I had a beagle come tearing straight for Nala and I. It was off-leash with no owner in sight.

    We have this problem here, Wondering dogs. Jamiya did you ever try one of those sonic devices that you can carry with you ? My wife bought one to scare of and attacker but found out one day it worked on a dog leaving its yard after her little Jack R. She said that dog stop so fast it slid on the road and looked at her and Sassy and then ran back home.
    I also learned how to deal with neighbors who would complain about every little noise my guys would make. Bought and air horn (like the ones you us to take to baseball games) and every time my guys would bark I would press the button. Never next to them but you know like up front when they were out back. She finally ask me one day why I keep setting off that dam air horn and I told her because she was hollering so much about my guys barking. She gave me a look of you got to be kidding and said let the dam dogs barks just stop with the air horn, no problems to this day and that was over a year ago.
    So you see it's not just control of our pets but how you control yourself and what I call problem people.

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL, 2pyrs!! I like the air horn story.

    No, I never tried one of those sonic things - but I will look into it now!

  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is a funny story with the air horn. I think people would like to think that they always have control over their dogs, some dogs maybe? some dogs no control.

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