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Controlling Jumping up and Nipping

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by DaveM26, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Over the past week Ive noticed my god haveing the loveing joy or jumping up and nipping, grabbing shirt or whatever he can get a hold of
    whats the best way to correct this?

    he knows Sit stay and down, but when he gets excitted ( new people around or people he hasnt seen in awhile) or right after being let out of crate he enjoys jumping up and bitting whatever he can get ahold of?

    hes an 4 month of Brittany... hes learning and so am I, its allot of work haveing a young puppy, just like haveing kids LOL, I also noticed today that hes missing ALLOT of his puppy teeth and adults are comeing in place could this be causeing the "sudden" change in his biteing habbits?

    Dave :D
  2. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Welll.. Oh... OK... made a mistake

    Suppose to be "DOG" not "GOD",,, I should really re-read my post's before hitting the "Submit button" LOL

    Dave :oops:
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    The best thing you can do is teach him how you want him to greet. This is easiest to do if you have frequent visitors to you home. You can tether him or have him on leash. Have him sit before allowing a visitor to greet him. If he begins to jump up the visitor should turn away and ignore him until he is calmly sitting. If he is very excitable it may take a few minutes before he settles down but just wait it out. He will learn that sitting calmly gets him the attention that he wants but jumping up and nipping causes people to go away. If you can do several repetitions each day with a variety of visitors he will learn how to greet people properly very quickly. Its also a good idea to practice such greetings in a variety of locations indoors and out to help him generalize.
    For coming out of the crate you can ignore him for a few minutes until he is calm before letting him out. If thats not feasible because of your need to get him outside immediately for a potty break you can ignore him until he is calm after his potty break. It might also be beneficial to encourage him to grab a toy or to shove one in his mouth as you're releasing him from the crate. This will help with the excited nipping. When Natalie was a puppy she was really nippy when excited, especially upon my returning home after being out for a bit. I began handing her a toy as I walked in the door later encouraging her to grab a toy from the floor and 5yrs later she still greets me with a toy or another object (whatever she can grab that is closest to her).

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