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Coral has a problem

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by betta lover, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    sounds like maybe swim bladder? also, the picture doesnt work, but good idea posting a picture just incase.
  3. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    The pictures up now ... how do you treat swim bladder?
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    im not sure if it is swim bladder or not....also, i dont know how to treat it. i had one fish that had it once, a few years back....i let it go and took care of the fish like usual and it healed itself after about a week.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Fancy goldfish are prone to swim bladder problems. Their swim bladder empties into their intestines. Because of their body shape and how the organs are crammed into their bodies, they get constipated really easily. When they're constipated, they can't empty their swim bladder so they stay really buoyant. (There are other causes, but that's the most common)

    So, to treat it, don't feed the fish for a few days or give it a pea (frozen pea nuked in the microwave for a few seconds to thaw, then remove the shell). Peas are a natural laxative for fish so that should clear him out.

    It's also not a bad idea to give peas once a week just to help prevent constipation.

  6. betta lover

    betta lover New Member

    Ok I'll try that.
  7. Petz8888

    Petz8888 New Member

    Here is my evalluation:

    You must check ammonia, ph, nitrates and stuff.
    Your fish is stressed.
    You must clean the tank thouroughly.
    You must look out for poo. If you dont find any then your fish is constipated.
    If you do see if there are white bits or it is white.

    Here is what your fish might have:

    SWimm bladder, white eye ( or prehaps it is just blind)

    It may have pharisites. Check to see if there are tails that are not your fishes tails on his/her body.

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