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Country Folk

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by catwoman, May 14, 2004.

  1. catwoman

    catwoman New Member


    I guess this is addressed mainly to people who live in the country, although the problem probably exists in cities too. Do a lot of you get dogs, or cats, dumped on your property?

    We moved to rural Missouri back in September and have had 4 dogs who just happened to wonder onto our property. We have 6 dogs of our own. One of the dogs who wondered on happened to end up being pregnant and having 9 puppies. Last night, I wake to hear my little american eskie/pom mix barking his head off and come to find, yet, ANOTHER, dog wondered onto our place. This time, a brownish/red cocker. I just didn't know if this is a coinsidence or people are dumping their dogs because they know we like animals. Thought I might get some feedback as to if this happens to anyone else.

    I hate to send the dog to a pound, knowing it will probably be put down, but we just cannot take in anymore. Where I live, we don't even have an animal shelter in our town. And the closest that I know of is a good 25 miles away, and I don't know if it's a no kill place.

    I don't know what to do about this. Should I just leave the dog alone, hoping it will find it's way back home? We have no neighbors, only fields of crops and cattle. So, I have no idea where this dog wondered from.
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I used to live out on 40 acres with my mom--she still does. But we only had one stray dog that was dumped. We had to take him to the pound...no room. We live next to a sheep rancher guy and he shoots dogs that are running loose... That's happened a few times (dogs chase and kill the sheep) so I'm not sure if any of those dogs were dumped or not.

    I'd take the dog to the pound. Surely a rancher out there has the same policy as the guy next to us...the dog is more likely to get shot by a property owner without being adopted where at the pound he does have the chance to be adopted.

  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    AHEM, SAM!!! A little help here please. hehe

    I think that there is a good chance that people see you have so many dogs and probably dump them so they don't "have to deal with it".

    Samsintentions gets strays ALL THE TIME!!! She has also helped with prego mommas. She has become very activ ein the adopt-a-pet world. I believe she keeps most and tries to get all adopted.

    I understand that you do not have any room, so maybe you could contact the shelter and see if they are a no-kill. If they are, possible look for a different shelter, if they aren't see if you two can collaborate on helping the dumpees that find you.
    Personally, I would not be able to turn away a lost or dumped dog. He is probably hungry, scared, and does not know why this happened to him. Please call the shelter and see what they can do. I think it would definately be worse to just let them keep wandering.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Where Samintnetions when yo need her! she can be a real help. As bully said, she has tis problem big time

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm Here!!!

    Ok. Yes I get a bazillion. I never take them to the shelter which is the Houston SPCA about 98 miles from home, unless there is some health issue that i can't personally afford.

    Other than that. Well, you know the story.

    The best thing to do is one, coax the dog to you, BECAREFUL WHEN DOING SO> they may fear bite! Always wear latex gloves covered by a pair of leather gloves (just in case) Check for a collar or ID tag.
    IF none are present, Take them to your local vet, explain the situation and have him check for a micro chip. (you'd be amazed) He shouln't charge anything, and if they do its only about $2-5. I would keep them for a few days to a week, put up papers (FOUND DOG) with a photo and description, the date which you "aquired'' him/her. And your phone #, Don't put your addy on the posters, nor your name.

    If someone doesn't claim them in a week, I'd start putting up signs "NEEDS HOME". If you can't do this, at least take it to the shelter whether its no kill or not. Either way he has a chance, if you can't help him.

    Its hard in the country. They figure if they dump a dog far enough out of city limits, it won't find its way home. Usually they wonder to the first house they find, because its comforting to them, and humans are all they know. Most of the time something is wrong with the dog IE, hungry, dehydrated, abused, neglected, pregnant, or not all that tame.
    Before I adopt out any puppies, or dogs, or bitches they are spayed. If its a puppy (of course they are too young to spay or neuter) I give them a card to the low cost spay and neuter clinic.

    I do all I can. My budget is really tight, but i wouldn't quit for the world.
    If you have a local newspaper, I would put an article in it. I have, and it works. Of course not always positivily. I think I've gotten more dumpees since, but at least they aren't left on a lonely highway.

    Oh and another note : KEEP STRAYS AWAY FROM YOUR PETS!!!! 9 times out of 10 they aren't vaccinated, and possibly carrying somehting!
    I bought an outdoor kennel and bleach it weekly.

    Good luck, if you'd like to email me go for it.
  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I also live in the country and every week it seems there are new cats hanging around my house and taking up residence in my barn the last count I had 8 strays I am feeding. I go through a 20lb bag of cat food a week! It drives my husband nuts. We don't get dogs that often. The last time we did it just so happened it was a pregnant female lab cross we kept her and the pups after they were born until weaned and then they were taken to a local rescue all except one and our neighbor took it.
    We had 3 ducks dropped at our house last spring. I am assuming they were unwanted easter presents. But that was no biggie since half our land is lake land.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Its strange, but I dont' hardly ever get any cats......

    Cats can take care of themselves, No matter how spoiled they are or how long they lived inside. They can turn feral rather quickly. Where a dumped dog will starve looking for food, a cat wont. They'll hunt for it.

    I think Smoke and Char "herd" them out of the yard. I'm still convinced that they are kin to "ALF".

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