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Crate Question!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Julia1119, Aug 1, 2004.

  1. Julia1119

    Julia1119 New Member

    I want to get Winnie a new crate--For the past year and a half she has used the same one I got when I got her...It a small plastic Vari Kennel. It gets really hot in my apartment and I put the fan on her, but I worry that she is uncomfortable. THere is enough room for her to stand up, turn around and lay down. That is what they should be able to only do in there. I want to get her one of the wire crates so she can see more and there is more air ventilation. My question is is that if I get her a new crate, will she have issues with it? Should I keep the same one because she is used to it?? ANy help would be great! (She is 1.5 yrs old and a Shih Poo)[/i]
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    =P~ Hi Julia~

    I'm assuming Winnie is housebroken? If so, you can get her a larger crate which would be more comfortable for her. The idea of finding a crate that's only big enough for dogs to stand up, turn around and lay down is for housebreaking purposes (i.e. you don't want the dog to just go in one corner and sleep in another). However, if she is housebroken, why not invest in a larger crate that will give her some extra space!

    As far as switching from the Vari-Kennel to a wire crate, I don't foresee a problem with that. I would just gradually introduce it to her. Set it up, put some of her fav. blankets, toys, etc. inside, and let her just check it out. Once you think she's comfortable with her new crate, then you can start confining her in there if that's what you do.

    I think she'll do just fine with the crate change, but, you never know, dogs can get worked up over the smallest things, so just take it slowly with her! :y_the_best:

    Good luck! :D
  3. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    I dont think there would b a problem Of course I only switched Trixie's plastic crate with a bigger crate but she didn't seem to mind. I would think your shihpoo would prob. enjoy the change but it depends on whether Winnie enjoys the crate because she might get upset when she sees things going on outside the crate. (thats how Trixie is but she doesnt like her crate) If she doesn't mind I dont think it wil matter
  4. casper

    casper New Member

    I have a dog and switched crates on him without a problem. he was a small lab-cross when i got him and he out grew his little grey crate in a few months. by then he was house broken so now he has this massive crate that he can sit/stand/rollover/ have another buddy in. if he's curled up, he's only 1/3-1/2 of hte crate...i really suggest a bigger one.... anyway, there was no problem switching crates. the design was different as welll as the colour. he didnt' seem to mind.

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