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Crate Training and Separation Anxiety

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Weeble, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. Weeble

    Weeble New Member

    Lulu the shih tzu has arrived and is ALMOST perfect...

    She has severe--and I mean SEVERE--separation anxiety. As soon as she goes in the crate, she makes sounds that alternate between those of a colicky baby and a cat fight--and can keep it up for hours. We're trying to tough it out on our vet's advice (and showering her with love and affection throughout the day) but wonder how long we can expect it to continue? We've only had her 3-1/2 days but we really need some sleep!
  2. madeline

    madeline New Member

    You never mentioned how old she is and where you keep the crate, do you have it in the room with you at night. My pup took to the crate with no problems, we got her at 8 weeks and from the first night has always slept in our room, the first few nights I had the crate right next to my bed so she could see me and if she cryed I would just stick my fingers in there and she would stop. Then after about a week or so just put it on the other side of the room and she has had no problems. When I went out in the day for the first few months she cryed a little, but soon stopped. She is now 6 months and very rarely crys in the crate. In the mornings I go to get her up and she doesnt even come out straight away, I have to pull her out of there. So dont give up, sometimes it takes a little time, but its well worth the patience.
  3. Weeble

    Weeble New Member

    Thanks for the words of wisdom. Patience has proven to be the key. For a few nights I put my PJ's from the previous night in with her, and that helped calm her down. Then I stopped with the PJ's and she went in with a little protest but settled down fairly quickly for the next couple of nights. Then, last night, she put herself to bed!!! :eek:

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