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Crazy pup scareing people

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, May 12, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Hello...I have written a previous post about my puppy sydney playing with my other dog and soundiung REALLY agressive and crazy! Its only play and she only does this with dogs she knows....I started taking her to the dog park...she usually doesnt do the crazy stuff with Winnie there but on Saturday when she was playing with Winnie she started making her noises and they are really loud and scarey cause it sounds like she is really pissed and fighting...no one believes how bad it is until they actually hear Syd do this...so this one women at the park actually got scared...and I know this women and told her syd was just playing and thats how she plkays with winnie....People were saying it doesnt seem normal....I was going to give her a month at the park to play with other dogs before I got a trainer...I think she just gets really worked up and thats the only thing she knows how to do...I am hoping as she plays with more dogs she will calm down and luckily she only does this with my dog and my best friends dog\ who love her and know she is playing...I am more worried about another dog at the park hearing her and fighting with her cause of her noises....anyone have this problem? She growls really loud and viscosly(sp) curls her lips, and pounces like she would if she was REALLY pissed and fighting....would a trainer even help? thanks
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Perhaps you should teach her something like "settle" or "enough" when her play gets too out of hand. This might teach her to stay in control if she wants to play. Does it only happen when she really gets into it, or is it all the time when she is playing?

  3. winnie

    winnie New Member

    thanks for the replie! It only happens when she gets really into it...mostly at home....most of the time she is vocal when she plays but not the crazy kind of vocal...I will try teaching her a command like you suggested...thanks :)
  4. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Gosh your pup sounds a lot like Cameron when she was little- she also played VERY rough- we used to take her to puppy class at Petsmart, and people would always give her strange looks like they thought she was fighting instead of playing, but she was just playing ver rough.

    The good news is, she has for the most part grown out of it. We exposed her to lots of different dogs as a puppy, and she was put in her place a few times by older dogs that didn't feel like playing so rough, and I think this really helped to teach her.

    When I say put in her place I don't mean they hurt her at all, they just growled and barked at her and walked away, or one older dog that had had a couple litters of puppies in her life actually picked Cam up by her scruff and held her there, as if to say "time out- that's enough of that!" I think sometimes that other dogs can be better teachers in situations like that than we can.

    Be careful, however, not to let her play with an aggressive dog, as they may get overly annoyed with her and really snap.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I would use the enough command. Jake and Wylie do this (luckily it is not all of the time) and it sounds like a terrible dog fight, but they are just being verbal. and they only do it for a few minutes, if they dont stop, I say enough. I can just picture their noises carrying thru our canyon and beng having us reported for dog fights.

  6. nern

    nern New Member

    That is how Natalie used to play with the neighbors dog when she was younger. I used to get embarassed because it must have sounded to the neighbors as if I was fighting dogs in my backyard. She would get really worked up with him for some reason...I would usually stop the play session at that time and make her come inside. Luckily she grew out of it. I like the idea of teaching an "enough" command.

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