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definition of "overfeeding" fish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by drab911, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hey everyone.. When you guys say dont overfeed the fish..d oes this mean dont give them more food then they can finish so you dont have rotting food.. or does it mean even if they do finish it dont feed them too much.. cause i like to give 2 small feedings a day and as long as they eat it all i am alright. right?? I just want to make sure that this isnt contributing to my cloudyness.. also how do you guys feel about using those "Crystal clean" solutions? Any ones you suggest?? all my readings are good so i think its time to try one out..
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    it can mean both......some fish like oscars appear to "beg" fod food so the aquarist will feed them multiple times, thats not good. also its not good to have wasted food thgat fish dont eat because that only affects your water quality making it worse.
  3. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Well it depends on what type of fish u have. A goldfish will eat untill it dies. But most fish will eat as much as they feel like. A good measure for how much u should feed them is no more then they can eat in about 3 minutes. Thats wht i do for my Bettas. What kind of fish do u have? And how often do u clean ur tank?
  4. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    It is a 16 gallon tank.. I have
    2 Zebra danios
    2 Platys
    2 Otocats
    2 africian dwarf frogs
    4 black neons
    The tank has only been fully cycled for about 2 weeks now... I had been doing water changes probably 3 times a week.. but my levels are
    PH 6 ammonia .1 nitrite 0 nitrate 10
    the water is kinda cloudy white.. so i was thinking of getting some of that clear stuff they sell since my water is in Ok shape...
    i dont plan on getting any more fish but id like a few more frogs that should be ok considering they stay at the bottom correct?
    Thanks a lot for any info
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    IMO your tank is overstocked so you definitely shouldn't be adding more. All the fish/frogs you have can fall under the 1" rule.

    zebras = 2" x 2 = 4"
    platies = 3" x 2 = 6"
    otos = 2" x 2 = 4"
    adfs = 1.5" x 2 = 3"
    neons = 1.5" x 2 = 3"

    =20" of fish

    Also, you have an ammonia reading so either the tank isn't fully cycled (something may have caused a mini cycle), or you don't have enough filtration.

  6. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Everytime that you feed, you are contributing to the downfall of your tank clarity. Feeding two times a day is just overkill IMO. You really should just feed just once a day and even try to skip a day every once in a while, with no food at all. Especially in tanks smaller than 55 gallons, be careful not to feed in large quantities and more than once a day.
  7. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    I have been trying to start feeding every second day like you say.. and only once a day when I do.. but how will the africian dwarf frogs handle that? I know the fish are alright but do the frogs need to eat every day? That is the hard part, getting food down to them without having any left over.. any suggestions?
    however I bought the clear stuff that clears up the debirs.. im thinkin that becuase it is inbetween 2 bird cages with 4 budgies that a lot of the cloudyness is just dust and what not.. anyways its reallly clear now and I am very very happy :eek:
    anywyas thanks for your help!

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