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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ntengwall, Oct 7, 2004.

  1. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Hi all--just wanted to let you know that I just got a message from Pay Pal saying that Burnwood has refunded my $200 deposit in full! Funny...just yesterday the Better Business Bureau sent me an e-mail saying they had reviewed my case and would be forwarding it on to Burnwood. Guess they figured out I wasn't going to just go away :) And I even said in the complaint that I found out they were a puppy mill and was not the least bit interested in a dog from a mill. I doubt it will change their practices though...rarely do mean, bad people change.
  2. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    YAYY!! :eek: I wish I could have been so lucky! Congrats! Your persistence definetly paid off.

    I never got my $500 back, sadly. She said it was because it was my decision to change my mind. Well I wouldn't have changed my mind if she didn't ignore my phone calls and e-mails for an entire week after she got my deposit. Only when I told her I wanted it back and that I wasn't getting a puppy did she reply :x Grr.

    well I'm done dealing with bad breeders like that. I have $2000 put aside right now for a female, and still haven't found one locally for under $2500! :shock: :shock: :shock:
    So my deposit back would've really done me a lot of good right now, sigh =(
    I wish this weren't so impossible!! Trust me, I think it's a huge amount of $$ for a dog, but the only local breeders are horribly dumb people who know less about Maltese than the general public and have 12 lb Maltese they're trying to sell as "teacups" (I hate that word!) for $1500! They don't even have any papers, records, or even know what a contract of health guarantee is and refuse to offer one. It's ridiculous, so I'm not supporting backyard breeders that are just trying to cash in on a trend, so my only other option is the only other type of breeder here, show dogs. I just keep telling myself that all of this hard work and stress will finally be worth it when I have a happy healthy gorgeous little baby...

    (excuse my little rant..I feel bad making new topics, so I've completely invaded yours, my apologies!!)
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Congradualtions on your refund! It does pay to fight when you are right I guess!

    Gwen dont give up hope I am sure you will find that perfect little puppy! :lol:
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    WOOOHOOO, glad to hear that you got your money back!!! :eek:

    Kudos to you for letting the BBB know about the problem, and like the other person said, your persistence sure did pay off! :y_the_best:


    It sure can be frustrating, but I'm happy to hear that you're not just settling for a puppy that was poorly bred and from a puppy mill! Doing your research to find a high-quality breeder with good pups is definitely worth the time and effort! :wink:

  5. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Are you saying that you can't find a maltese for less than $2500??? That seems absurd to me. I guess things are differnt in LA though :)
  6. maltepoolover

    maltepoolover New Member

    happy to hear your deposit was returned .
  7. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    unfortunately ntengwall, I can't! :( and I sure have been looking. Maltese standard says they should weigh between 4-7 lbs, I've talked to breeders with 12-15 lb parents and beige colored puppies trying to sell them $1500. All of the poorly bred puppies are still over $1000 and the "breeders" are very poorly educated about anything involving the breed. They didn't even know how long their dogs should be pregnant for, wanted to let them go at 6 weeks and wanted cash and wanted me to take it home that day. The others said I wasn't allowed to see the parents, the others were puppy brokers, etc. I called at least 30 people. There just aren't any responsible healthy normal breeders, it's either backyard breeders with unhealthy deformed puppies OR very pricey show dogs, nothing inbetween. Maybe I'm just being picky, but if I'm going to have to spend over $1000 anyway it might as well be well thought out and well spent..after all, it's a 12-15 year investment! :y_the_best: So if I have to get a puppy from show dog / champion parents just to get a healthy puppy I guess that's what I'll do. The american maltese association provided me an excellent list, so I'm going through that right now :) I may have found a breeder just 30 minutes away with fairly reasonably priced females available, I'll cross my fingers she's as good as she sounds, but I just never know anymore...
  8. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Very cool!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad that your persistence paid off! :D

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