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Did someone move the trees? or otherwise known as

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ilovemaltipoos, May 24, 2004.

  1. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member


    for my husband that laughs everytime he remembers it ...

    When I met my husband I lived in in Alabama ,where I was raised .Up in the hills where trees and wildlife abound in plenty .I had seen other states ,many of them ,mostly traveling through them on interstates .I lived in New Mexico for a few years and loved the difference I saw there .Texas ,I had been through the panhandle and also in the South .both are kinda barren to me so I guess being young at the time I assumed there were no trees there ... :)
    Anyway ,when I met Robert ,he lived in Austin and eventually I moved there and we were married .
    Austin is a lovely city and it has TREES .LOL ! I was soon to find out many more than I had expected .
    Seems to me ,if a person was raised with trees around them ,they would know to watch for them ...na!!! Doesn't work that way ... :wink:
    It was my first Christmas in Austin and we lived in a cul-de-sac and all in it were decorating ...Me the most ,i love to paint and painted all types Christmas scenes and put on the lawn ,lights were all over the house and all over the scenes and incircled our yard .Looked sorta like the Chevy Chase movie .. :mrgreen:
    Anyway ,everyday when I came home a few bulbs were always out on the ones around the edge of the yard ,we knew it was kids in the neighborhood ,but one evening late ,I brought home a couple more thousand (true ) lights and was busily working to get them all hooked up and on upper runs around the perimeter .that year it was almost eighty degrees and I was in a sweat ,I wear glasses and was constantly taking them off to wipe the water away ,well ,finally I was finished ,almost dark ,I pulled my glasses off to wipe them and started into the house to turn on all the lights and WHAM ! The only tree we had in our yard came out of nowhere and knocked me flat on my back .My husband was standing there ,bent over with laughter ,he reached out a hand (finally ) to help me up and the first thing I said to him was " DID YOU MOVE THAT TREE ON PURPOSE ? :x
    he took me to the emergency room to see if I had a concussion ,the doctor said I had a mild one and was the reason I blamed the tree moving on him .He said I was a little inchoherent and would be for a few hours and they kept me overnight .
    For the next few housrs though ,I ranted about how could there be a tree in Texas when I had never seen one in all my travels and that my husband had to plant it there just so I would get knocked to the ground until they gave me a light sedative . :?
    The next morning I went home and my husband had chopped down the tree .... :roll: Moral of this story is ....the summer was hot and long and we had no tree . :!:

    :D :eek: :lol: :D :eek: :p :lol: :y_the_best:

    And then the next year was my turn to laugh ...coming soon..
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Oh my Malti, that is too funny for words!!! Gotta' watch out for those trees that just pop out right in front of ya'! :lol: I have to confess though, I have been known to walk into walls sometimes (with or without my contacts in)...those darn walls! LOL :mrgreen:
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    That Dr. did not know you very well. You were as coherant as I am this morning. You just had to be right and hubby wrong, Right. He DID move the tree.
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Ok I am noticing a pattern here with you guys and christmas time. Maybe you should let the kids decorate. LOL. Dont feel bad though, my dogs move stuff all the time at night, I am convienced they like to see me fall so they can come to my rescue!

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