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Do some dogs just not get it?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by elizavixen, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    My puppy (6 mos) is driving me crazy! He is a dog of many moods. He can be the sweetest, cutest thing in the world sometimes. Other times, he is an absolute terror.

    I have a problem with this at certain times because if I catch him in one of his terror moods, I have NO idea what to do other than just leave. He likes to jump up on you and bite you. I say NO! firmly and sit him down and try to hold his mouth. This only agitates him. I swear today I thought he was attacking me. I know it is his way of playing but my god, he plays ROUGH. I can't deal with it. He won't let me move. Just keeps biting me and jumping on me. He has to be well over 60 lbs now so it is definately a problem.

    I have been trying to work with him on the bite inhibition but I seriously don't think he cares. And I have been trying the NILIF program stuff. I dont know if this makes sense, but I don't think he really cares whos the boss or pays attention to stuff like that.

    I'm getting him neutered tomorrow and I am hoping that this will help. And I keep telling myself that this is a puppy thing. 70% of the time he is a good dog.

    Every other dog I have had seems to have at least some concern about being good. Indy doesn't. He doesn't care if you punish him. He whines, etc. but it doesnt seem like anything gets through. He also doesn't really care if you reward him. He likes treats but I don't think he equates good behavior with rewards. It's like I can't tell him when he's doing something wrong or when he's doing something right, or he doesn't care if he's doing something right/wrong.

    So, again I hope this makes sense but, how do you train a dog who doesn't have a care in the world?
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Maybe you should look into clicker training. A clicker allows you to relay a message to him that he has done something right.
  3. klf

    klf New Member

    what kind of dog is he? sorry i'm new here and just don't know! Some breeds are mouthy like pits, rotties. The best way to train is not to grab their mouth, dogs usually don't like this. Just like children who are behaving badly divert their attention to something else. If this happens during a training session have him sit and don't give him any verbal or physical attention untill he settles down...this lets him know you want him to sit, behave and this is how it is done. many local pet stores offer training classes by certified instructors....so does your local 4-H you can call them. Who more forgiving than someone who trains children with their pets! best of luck! I wish i could teach my son not to bite! I'm better with dogs!!! LOL
  4. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I am going to look into clicker training. I don't really know anything about it.

    He is a St. Bernard, not really known for being mouthy, but definately stubborn. It is impossible to ignore him. I know people say "turn your back", etc. but he doesn't get the message. He just keeps jumping, biting. It almost makes it worse b/c then I can't defend myself. He can BITE. He is in obedience class. He is an ANGEL during the class. :roll:
  5. nern

    nern New Member

  6. klf

    klf New Member

    gee it isn't like he is a small dog either!!!!

    clicker training will work best wishes!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    This sounds a lot like Nala used to be, and still is every once in a while. That whole "turning your back" thing did NOT work with a 20-pound puppy, let alone a 60-pound one. I can't even imagine!

    Nala also doesn't really respond to correction. Nothing seems to really matter to her. I generally don't use correction at all with her now - I keep it positive and try to set her up for success. I am using the clicker with her now and she is a chow hound, so that usually gets her attention. If she is too far gone, though, there is nothing that will distract her from her purpose.

    When she was a puppy, we tried giving her time-outs - either outside or in her crate (not the one she sleeps in) to let her cool off. It didn't really work that well, but sometimes it helped a little.

    My husband found that it helps to speak very slowly, in a very low voice, and try to soothe her with long strokes down her whole back. He makes a long shushing sound (shhhhhhhhhhhhh) and turns everything as low key as possible.

    I think it is a problem with them getting overloaded and they don't know how to calm down. We have been working on self control with Nala - having her sit and wait for things, gradually increasing distractions, etc. I read about how changing posture can change your attitude or emotions - like its hard to be angry when smiling. So, getting the dog to sit is one way to get him/her to calm down. Lying down is even better, but it's generally asking too much for an out-of-control dog to lie down. Try getting him to sit even if you have to guide him there and calming him with slow petting, soothing sounds, and maybe some massage or TTouches.

    Age helps a lot.

  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I have this same problem

    my dog acts lke same way. when he is good he just takes his treat and goes on, as if his doesn'T know he did domething god he just thinks I should give him a treat. I did the clicker training with him and it didn'T help. My bf always says I can't tell if he is really just that stupid or so smart he always tricks us into thinking that about him. My dog is weird and I think I just don't get him sometimes.

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