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Do your dogs like carrots?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by zarate, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Does anyone give carrots to their dog as a treat? I have a 10 month old chihuahua, and he actually likes carrots. Does anyone know how this might benefit my pup? Or any other veggies your dogs like, that mine might like? Thanks!
  2. Weeble

    Weeble New Member

    My peke-a-poo loves carrots and apple chunks. He'll swoop in on lettuce if we accidentally drop it. However, his favorite "vegetable" is the leaves from the Japanese maple on our patio (fortunately NOT toxic) which we now refer to as "Toby's salad."
  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Awww, that's cute. My dog would eat lettuce if we let him too. Unfortunately the so called breeder we got him from gave him tons of table scraps. We got him at 8 weeks old, so that's not good! He came to us already hooked on it. We don't give him any table scraps, the only people food he gets is fresh fruits and veggies. he's now 10 months old, and hasn't forgot about table scraps. If we don't see him he'll sneak into the kitchen when we're eating hoping to score a tid bit of something, it's funny because he'll actually sneak....like we can't see him LOL. But he minds really good all we have to say is "go on" and he'll go sit right outside the kitchen and look in. Normally the cat sits right next to him, because he also knows he's not allowed in the kitchen when we're eating.
    Toby is also what we were going to name him, but then we started calling him "Chavo" and that stuck!
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Rocky gets fruits and veggies sometimes. His favorite are carrots, frozen peas and beans, and apples.

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