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Does Anyone Know ...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Black_Cat, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. Black_Cat

    Black_Cat New Member

    I heard a long time ago about a kitty litter that self cleans. :y_the_best: Apparently, once the litter has been used, it pushes all the used litter into the bottom tray which you must remove and empty ... sound familiar to anyone?? Or has anyone heard of anything similar ... please let me know :D Thanks All :wink:
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    there are a couple...there's the LitterMaid that has the rake that cleans solids and dumps them but there are pros and cons about it

    -some cats are scared by the noise of the rake and stop using the box
    -cats that like to play with moving things can be hurt by the rake
    -if the cat has runny stools the rake becomes a mess and needs frequent cleaning

    there is a litterbox that has a box with holes that sits on top of another solid box and you give it a shake and the solids drop to the bottom.

    They also make "sifting" liners that do the same thing as the box.

    I use the old-fashioned scoop. I figure the boxes are as much work as just scooping with a scoop. Just something else they can charge more by making it sound like it's less work.
  3. Black_Cat

    Black_Cat New Member

    Thank you Mary for your reply, I didn't think about the noise etc and how it may effect my cat ... do you have any idea where I could view such products - perhaps over the net ?? :roll:
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea I have heard the littermaid isn't good because you still have to clean out the rakeand at that time everything is stuck to it and much harder than just scooping out. But just before I left America I saw this one and it looked sort of cool, I haven'T hear how good it is or anything, but the litter box is sort of rounded and you tilt it to one side and it ends up in a scoop from there. it is sort of hard to explain sort of like what Mary is talking about. i always had problems with the liners, I always seemed to get the wrong size and it would spill everywhere or the clumps would be too heavy and break the bag (that was when I used clumping litter) but now I use the little white ball litter, I think it is silica? and it is easy, I only use a scooper and put it(the poo) in the toilet, I think the silica is also safe for toilets, but don'T try it until you have read the packet!!! I don'T know for sure!!! I never liked the clay stuff clumping or non clumping. There is a new litter called yesterdays news or somthing which is made of shredded recycled newspaper, but I have never used this bc I thought this might tempt her to use my daily newspaper. and something like tiger ?? I forget I used it with my last cat 10 years ago, but it looked like rabbit food and you could out it in the toilet also, the big downfall of this is that you need to clean it after every use(pee) or you have a soggy mess!
    But stick to the normal old fashioned scooper it really is easiest!
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    check out Fosters and Smith they have lot sof litterbox choices
  6. SweetpeasMama

    SweetpeasMama New Member

    I have a box that you roll over and it scoops for you. It is a God send. I can't imagine having any other litter box. I got it for about $20 at Target. I also use the litter that is safe to flush down the toilet. Another wonderful thing. My boyfriend has had some bad experiences with past roommates not tending to the litter so that was a concern when I got my cat. I would suggest this litter box to anyone whose cat will use an enclosed box. I can scoop the litter very quickly in the morning before work.

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