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does anyone think 28% protein is too much for puppy?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by golfgirl, Sep 29, 2006.

  1. golfgirl

    golfgirl New Member

    I'm just trying to research the "best" food for my shih-poo pup and have read some posts saying a high protein content could lead to urinary problems-crystals developing. Does anyone here think 28% is too high? I have Bailey on Innova right now and she seems to like it although she suppliments herself with our cat's food also! Thanks everyone!
  2. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    Keep her out of the cat food! It is formulated differently, and is NOT good for dogs. I have been feeding Innova for the past two years, and really like it. Even our retired pomeranian, at age 15, shows a beautiful coat, and lots of energy with this food. I'm gonna stick with it. The health of our poms really reflects the value of this brand.

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