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Does anyone watch celldogs?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, May 5, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I have watched it several times when they train guide dogs, well last night they took dogs from a shelter that were about to be euthenized to rehabilitate and help with getting adopted, and basic caring. They took 2 litters of pups that had just been dumped off. one litter was only 2 days old, the other 5 weeks, and 2 very unsocialized older dogs. The inmates had them for 5 weeks, the 2 older dogs made progress and all of the pups survived. and all of them got adopted. :D it will probably take months and months for thee older dogs to be okay.

    But what a nice program, it really helped the inmates with their socialization too. They had one man caring for all 6 newborn pups, even though he had no sleep for weeks, he said it was whart he needed.

  2. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    ive watched it and i think it is a grea program, it really helps the dogs as well as the inmates. the dogs get a chance in life and the inmates fin something they can do and feel as if they are accomplishing something
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    It really is a great program. My father in law works at a prison where they have this program and he says it does really well there. Not only are dogs getting rehabilitated but the inmates are learning alot too. I love watching the show but missed the one from my father in laws institution I hope it comes back on sometime!
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I watch it....and I even watch the reruns. Very heartwarming and I'm so glad these inmates have a chance to give something back. What they are accomplishing gives me goosebumps
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I have only watched one episode, as my satellite has been ut for some time, but I love the idea. The one I watched was a women was in for murder and she was so gentle with the dog. It was really nice to see. A lot of these people are rehabilitated and changed before they ever get out of the system. I think this is a very productive way to give them and the dogs something to look forward to.
  6. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    I think it is an answer to rehabilitation for sure. it is phenomenal!!! I also saw a show where truant kids/jueveniles train dogs. Now that is a tear jerker. They get so attached and learn what unconditional love is from the best teacher ever...a dog!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My daughter and I watched one - it was awesome! It was a women's prison in Indiana and the women were transformed by the experience. They were training the dogs to be service dogs for disabled children, and several of the women said they felt like they were giving back to other children what they had taken from their own (by being in prison).

    There is a shelter a few hours away from us that has a prison program. I looked really hard at dogs there, thinking it would be awesome to get a trained, housebroken, socialized dog. I bet it really helps them to get adopted!

  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Zekesmom, truant kids/juvi kids. Wow this would be great if they had a programs like this in juvinile halls since these kids are are the ones likely to grow up and abuse both people and animals are have grown up abusing animals.

  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    honeybear....they don't let any inmates with a history or animal/spouse/child abuse work with any of the "celldogs". They can't take a chance that these dogs will end up being abused by the people in charge of their rehabilitation. Would be like leaving a crack head in charge of the drug locker at the prison....well maybe they already do
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    LOL mary, didnt think of that and here the poor animal would be locked up with them the whole time
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I heard them mention at one of the facilities that since the program started everyone has changed their demenor(sp) and they have not had to break up any fights. Isn't that awesome. It really gives the inmates something to look forward to and makes them feel important reguardless of why they are there.
  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I, too, have also watched a few episodes. I get soooo choked up when the dogs 'graduate' and leave the prisons. It's definitely a GOOD THING, but it's still emotional......... :(
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The one I saw, the "head" inmate left. Her parole came through and she went home. Her dog was the first one in the program and was almost ready to graduate, and she had a pup as well. They had to figure out which inmate would be the leader after her and who would finish training her dogs. It was so sad and yet happy to see her go! It had to be hard as heck for her to say goodbye to the dog.

  14. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Jamiya! That is one of the ones that I saw!!!! And the dog went to one of the "newer" girls in the program, right?? That dog was sooooooo sad, but the girl was soooooooo happy! I was crying like an idiot........lol
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The dog that was almost ready to graduate actually went to the inmate's roomate. They were the original two inmates in the program and the whole thing almost didn't work because they hated each other so much. In the end, they were best friends, and the inmate who stayed behind said she had never really had a friend before.

    The pup went to one of the newer people whose dog had failed the program. The dog had some issues and so was adopted out to one of the prison guards. The woman was really missing her. She had worked with the dog really hard and it wasn't her fault - the dog just wasn't cut out to be a service dog, but she'll make a great pet and has a wonderful amount of training! So she ended up with the pup and was really happy.

    If I ever commit a crime and go to prison, I want to go to one with a dog program, LOL!

  16. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    Jamiya, I have often said the same thing. I have felt a little crazy thinking that, so thanks for thinking that out loud. :)
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Oh.....did I say that out loud?! :oops:

    Jamiya :D

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