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Dog aggression. Dog snapping at other dogs. Video Link.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Auspetian, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

    Dog behavior can be difficult to understand, especially for pet owners. Some dogs will chase each other all over the street, sniff each other's bottoms, and then do a few nasty things that may or may not result in a litter of pups. Other dogs will growl at each other, bare their teeth, and then snap at each other. The latter behavior can be disconcerting to pet owners who are fond of walking their dogs, but who are afraid of alienating themselves from other pet owners who have less aggressive canines.

    Video link:
    http://youtu.be/qizv_WFSIjY :roll:


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