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Dog allergy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by vene, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi. I'm usually in the cat forum. I have 4 cats and a 18 month old who is allergic to dogs. He will break out in hives throughout his body whenever he comes in contact with our wonderful neighbors' dogs. Has anyone ever had this happen to their kids and is this something he will outgrow? Thanks for your inputs!
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    interesting, I thought people were much more allergic to cat dander than dogs. I have hard that some children exposed at a young age and have allergies can grow out of them. I wonder if it is something on the dog like shampoo or flea powder. cauisng reaction. What type of dogs are they?

  3. vene

    vene New Member

    He's allergic to the saliva and dog fur/dander. One dog is a chocolate lab. I'll have to get back on the other types since I'm not familiar with dog breeds. As long as my kid doesn't scratch his hives, they subside within an hour or Benadryl takes care of it. Otherwise he looks likes he has quarter size mosquito bites on his head, face, belly, etc. He used to have mild cat allergy and he just recently outgrown that. Now it's dogs! :roll:
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If he outgrew the cat allergy, he could outgrow the dog allergy I would think. I'd also be careful, though - don't want to have a severe reaction or anything.

    I was allergic to all animals as a kid - itching eyes, sneezing, etc. No hives, though. Now I have two cats and two dogs and assorted smaller critters. They bother me sometimes, but not very badly.

    When we had a population explosion in the pet mice last summer, there was about a month where I was miserable! My eyes itched SOOO badly and I had to carry tissues with me wherever I went. Then it just got better and hasn't bothered me since (except occasionally when I clean their cages). I really think the continued exposure worked sort of like an allergy shot by desensitizing me to the allergen. I don't know if this works for everyone though - I suspect not.

  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I think if he grew out of the cat allergy, he will grow out of the dog allergy. The more exposed to things our body is, the more we build an immunity against them.

    I used to have a cat as a child, then we cat sat a siamese cat for a friend. Within 2 weeks I was allergic to cats. I was told something in the siamese dander must have made my body react. (I was told it was different than other cats dander). Anyways, now I can be around a cat, but if it scratches or rubs on me I break out in hives and am constantly sneezing.
    Allergies can really go either way and can start and end at any time.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Honeybears- The other dogs are American Cocker Spaniels and one that looks like a Lassie and some other mix.

    Jamiya- Poor you. I complain when I get a stuffy nose for 1 night. You had to go through a month of itchy watery eyes. I think exposure to dogs and other things will be good for my kid. He'll be stronger in the long run. I'll always keep Benadryl handy. You never know!

    Bullylove1- I'm hoping he'll outgrow the dog allergy soon. My kid has a habit of breaking out in hives to food allergies, mainly pizza, his favorite food. He also outgrew that allergy recently. I'm mildly allergic to cats, but not dogs so I have no idea why he's allergic to dogs. No one else in the family is allergic to dogs.

    Thanks again everyone for your inputs. This is a fun forum. I'm going to visit here often.
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Well cokcers I think are low allergy, since I dont thing they shed, but if it sintheir saliva on nottheir dander. just keep your fingers crossed he outgrows it, I would keep him around dogs


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