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Dog defecating in house on purpose!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by spreeville, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. spreeville

    spreeville New Member


    I have a one year old female miniature dachshund and I have just about had it with her behavior. For the past couple of months, she has been going on the floor in the house every morning. She has been potty-trained for a long time now, so I do not understand why she does this. I take her outside when I get up in the morning, she does poop outside, but then when I bring her in, she will poop inside a few minutes later. She will only do this when I am not around. She waits until I go into a different room, even for a second, she will go very quickly before I return, because she knows it is wrong. She does not pee in the house though.
    She just did it again a few minutes ago. I do not know why, I had her outside just seconds before she did this. She only does this in the mornings. I'm fed up with having to clean up the carpet every single day because of this. I don't know what to do! Any ideas?
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I am sure others will have better advice, but, you said she goes on the carpet each morning. Is it always in the same spot?
    If so, it could be that you are not getting the smell out well enough and that's why.
    Also, I would recommend you not clean it up in front of her. Put her in a seperate room and clean it up. I will try to find the article of why, but I remember reading that when your dog makes a mess, chews,pees etc. to put them in a different room while you clean it up. I think it has something to do with them a wierd sharing thing. ( I poo, dad cleans it) Weird I know. I will try to find it and post why.

    Also, hav eyou taken her to the vet lately? Dogs don't know what spite is, so she is not doing it to get back at you. Thanks gosh, otherwise, Harley would be at me everytime I won't give her a treat. She may be trying to tell you something is wrong. Maybe try spending more tie with her outside before bringing her back in. Does she go in front of you? I know Harley does not like to go if I am watching her, and will literally go behind a tree or bush.

    Just some thoughts, I am sure others will have tons more for you.
  3. spreeville

    spreeville New Member


    No, she doesn't go in the same spot, it's a different spot everytime. When I clean it up, I spray febreeze on it, so I figured that was the best way to get rid of the smell.
    I actually do put her in a different room before I clean it up. She went to the vet shortly after she started doing this, she's perfectly fine.
    She never did this before though, if she had to go, she would let us know. She still does that, but not in the morning. The thing I don't understand is why she goes outside, and then inside a few seconds later. Just today, I had her outside for at least 20 minutes this morning. She did urinate, but ran up to the door, as she usually does when she is done. So I took her out again a half hour later so she could poop, but she still didn't. Literally seconds later when I went to get something, she pooped on the floor. Every single time I leave her alone for a split second in the morning, she takes that opportunity to go on the floor, even if she just had gone a minute ago.
    She doesn't mind me watching her if she's going. I usually just glance over at her for a second just to see if she is going outside. It never bothered her, and it still doesn't. I'm also confused as to why she only poops inside, and never urinates in the house, no matter what, she will never do it.
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Rocky used to have the same problem. What I did was everytime he did it (it used to be right after he went out) I would put him back outside so he got the hint that if he does it he goes right back out which kinda makes him mad because he always likes to be with me wherever I am.
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I know how frustrating this must be for you.
    1) Go to the local pet store and get the special spray that takes out animal smell. The febreeze helps you, but this will eliminate the odour from your dog, aswell as remove the stain.

    2) Do you work out of your home? He could be experiencing Seperation Anxiety. Have you ever heard of this before? Harley had really bad SA and it took 4 months of steady work and patience to overcome it. Symptoms most often are chewing, whining, panting etc. But the pooping may also be a sign. If you like I can email you some files on SA. I will PM you with my email addy if you want me to forward them to you.

    3) Has anything changed in the last 6 months that could be stressing him out. Did yo get a new partner? Have you been spending less time with him? Less excercise? Changed his food, where he sleeps? Could something have scared him one day when he was going outside, and now he doesnot feel comfortable going out there?

    Any of these things and more could be a trigger. Dogs experience stress much like humans do, but since they can't vocally let us know what's wrong, they display it with new and odd behaviour. Such like defecating, eating furniture, ect. Have you ever done obedience school or training with him? Something like this could be key to getting his behaviour back to normal.

    Also, I would suggest reasserting status in the household. It may be that the dog doesn't feel you are "leader" and feels is tied to no boundaries.
    To correct this, I suggest a program called Nothing in Life is Free.
    It is a very simple program, and really builds confidence in your dog.
    Rocky want to go for a walk - he has to sit while you put the collar and leash on. If he gets up before you are done, stop what you are doing, walk away and try 2-3 mins. later.

    Rocky wants a pet - he has to perform a command (sit, shake, lay) before you will pet him.

    The key to this is consistency. For the first couple of days, he may try to resist, but be consistent and he will come around.
    Also, when he does the command, praise the dickens out of him. Make him feel like a king, even treat if you like (at first treats usually get results faster).

    Hope this makes sense.
  6. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Definately get some enzyme spray made especially to remove dog smells, such as "natures miracle." Febreeze may cover up the smell to you, but not to the dog, and as long as it smells its markings in a particular area, she will continue to go there.

    When you catch her going, what do you do? Or do you never catch her? IF you never catch her in the act, she is learning nothing, because it is too late to scold her once the duty is done. When you bring her inside, watch her like a hawk- if you are getting ready for work or the day or whatever, keep her in the bathroom with you, or tether her to your side in teh morning so that she can't go without you seeing.

    When you do catch her in the act- startle her with a sharp "no" or a squirt bottle, and then quickly take her outside to finish (hopefully the startling will stop her in the middle). Once she goes outside, praise her like crazy. A few weeks of this and she should start to get it, and then she can slowly win her freedom back in the morning.

    Remember though never to physically punish her, a startling noise while she's doing it will be sufficient enough to make her realize what she's doing is not acceptable. Our dog had a relapse in training as well when we moved to our new house, so I had to follow the steps listed here for a few weeks, and now she is fine again. Good luck :)
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi just a quick question is she spayed.
    I have found that one of my females when she is coming into heat will poop and pee in my kitchen never anywhere else but she only does this when coming into heat.

    Also like puggle owner mentioned startle her when you catch her doing it and put her straight outside even if she sits at your door and cries and howls do not let her back in this will give you time to clean up the mess and calm down.

    Never hit her for doing this in the house as she will become scared of you and thats something you dont want.

    Fabreeze is designed to get rid of the smells that we can smell but a dogs sence of smell is 100 times better than our own.

    She maybe doing this as she could have a behavioural problem,
    She may need to have a check up by the vet too rule out any problems.

    How much attention does she get ?
    how long are her walks ?
    If she is doing this a few minutes after coming back in the house then leave her out longer than you normally would.

    Also keeping her with you at all times while your home will reduce the chances of her doing it in the house.
    As you say she is doing it when you leave the room.
    Like menioned it could also be seperation anxiety.

    But the first thing you should do really is have her checked over by a vet just to make sure all is well with her.

    Keep us posted on how she is doing and i know how frustrating it is.

    I am in the middle of house training five 5week old puppies and they have all cracked it but 1 who does not like going into the yard dont like the cold lol.


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