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Dog pisses on my brother everytime he comes over

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by jefffox18, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. jefffox18

    jefffox18 New Member

    My dog is a 2 year old dachshund, fully housetrained, except every time my brother comes over, whether i'm here or not, he pisses all over him and/or the floor. He is the only person that this happens around; and it just started in the past month or two. Anyone know anything we can do to stop this??? Thx.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Is he cowering and anxious when he does it, or does he boldly walk over to him and lift his leg?

    If he is anxious, it is probably a submissive urination thing. Has your brother tried totally ignoring him for a little while when he first comes over?
  3. jefffox18

    jefffox18 New Member

    More of the former (somewhat anxious), but I would characterize it more as over excitement gone wrong than either anxious/cowering or bold leg lifting (it's certainly not this). My brother used to just ignore him when he walked in and that seemed to start the whole thing -- the dog would get so excited and get no attention, so after a minute or two he'd just burst with what seemed like over excitement. So I actually told my brother to stop ignoring him and instead to give him attention for a minute or two and then go about your business. Last night, however (the inspiration for the posting), he did everything fine, and then after about 5-10 minutes, the dog jumped on his lap and peed all over HIM! Like I said in my prior posting, this ONLY happens to my brother and there are often people over. I don't get it???
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hmmm. Usually the excitement peeing is averting by ignoring, but this doesn't seem to work with your dog! Maybe your brother should walk directly outside and greet the dog there? Or after the greetings are done, shoo the dog outside until he pees there? Anyone else have ideas?
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Hehehehehe :lol: Your poor brother! I'm surprised he even comes over lol.

    But seriously, I have two female dachshunds that do the same thing if a person (especially male) is leaning OVER them and speaking to them or trying to pet them. And they are 9 and 10 years old--they never outgrew it. My Dad now always greets them outside and my brother just ignores them but BF refuses to touch them and will just talk to them. The last time my brother came down, Zoey ended up peeing in his suitcase because he forgot!

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