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dog-resistant grass

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, May 21, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hello all. What type of grass did you guys recommend that can stand up to dogs? How long after planting does it take for it to be hardy enough to let the dogs loose on it?

  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya, I have a type of playground grass - it is extremely durable, it is a combo of thin and a really thick blade. We had it put in, but I dont know the mixture. The othe rmain reason I like it is becasue most grass doens spread. It is not a bermuda type at all. but if there is a urine spot, the grass will kind fo grow over it.
    I have had the thin blad grass that hasnt held up to the dogs. I would check in your area and what they use for playgrounds, grass that can take a beating. I would also recommend sod vs seed. seed takes forever and lost of time it just cover properly. With sod, the dogs just have to stay about a wee or two and then you are aready

  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    interesting!! I honestly never knew there were different types of grass. My backyard is destroyed!! I keep telling Curt we should just add a couple of tires on the ground and put some broken cars to add to the effect. hehehe

    I have more bald spots on the grass than not, plus, there is a straight path which is now bald because Harley runs up and down that way everyday sliding all around.

    I am going to look into that. My front yard is COVERED in weeds. I spent almost 2 hrs. the other day picking weeds and spraying stuff on the lawn. We just bought our house last summer, so we are still working out the 'quirks'.
  4. BulldogMomma

    BulldogMomma New Member

    How about astro turf that they use on the football fields!
    Just teasing..
    We live in Iowa and have Kentucky Blue Grass. It's soft under your feet, and doesn't seem to get alot of bald spots from our dog doing her thing. Just gets a little bit darker green and you can see where she has gone, which doesn't bother me at all. Heck, I am just grateful that she doesn't pee or poop in the house!
    Our pooch doesn't run in any one place to make ruts in the yard, so I am not sure what you can do. I haven't heard of a particular playground grass, but that does sound like a good idea.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm not concerned about urine burns - our dogs don't do that. But they tear it up playing their games!

    Someone posted once about a type of grass. I guess I will have to be un-lazy and do a search!

    Thanks for the tip about sod versus seed. Not sure we could afford sod, but I will definitely look into it!

    Our backyard is total weeds and bare spots by now. I don't really care all that much, but someday we will probably want to sell the place, so perhaps we should do something about it. :)

  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    BulldogMomma: If you come back and read this post, where do you live in Iowa? I was born and raised in Sigourney, IA. That's about 30mi. from Ottumwa in the S.E. part of the state.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Aha! I found the old posts (I had to go to the old forum to find them). One was by Cricket:

    And another by tuttifrutti:

    I'll have to see what climate it grows in.

  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  9. BulldogMomma

    BulldogMomma New Member

    loves-da-pits: I live in a small town about 10 miles west of Davenport. Originially from Florida, loved California, but here I am in Iowa...go figure! Husband is originally from western Iowa, and this is where we ended up after getting out of the Air Force about 20 years ago. I have never been to Sigourney, but I believe it is a few hours away. Do you miss it? The snow? The 4 seasons? To me, there are only 2 seasons here...winter and road construction...LOL Iowa is nice, really, but the older I get, the more I long for the beach.
  10. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I have good friends who lives in Davenport. Rick and Vickie Gorsch.

    I live in Phoenix, AZ, been going on 25 yrs. I miss the simplicity of life and the slower pace. It's also a lot safer. A good place to raise kids. Oh, yeah, I miss my Mom and Brothers, too.

    I might consider going back if not for the fact of the snow and cold. Not real crazy for tornados, either. But here in Phx. it gets to 115 degress which stinks, too.

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