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doggie cake recipies???

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by allyson, Sep 20, 2004.

  1. allyson

    allyson New Member

    does anyone know of any recipies for doggy birthday cakes???

    my little girl turns one today :)

  2. heaven

    heaven New Member

    my girl turns 1 on october 30, so i'd be interested in some cake recipes too...i was going to try to use wet foor and doggie biscuits to make a cake for her..i just ordered her a big package of doggie toys from ebay
  3. someday

    someday New Member

    I made Panda's Party cake on this site for my German Shepherd's birthday, he loved it and so did my pit bull.


    I added about a Tablespoon on peanut butter to the batter too. The human guests even tried some. It wasn't too bad, just not sweet. I didn't make the frosting, but it looks pretty good.
  4. allyson

    allyson New Member

    thanks a million....

    ive been looking everywhere on the internet for a recipe... and i wasnt sure what was okay for my pup to eat, and what wasnt... this one sounds good!!!!

    thanks again

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