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Doggie Door Issues with maltipoo....

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by lovemybabies, Aug 2, 2005.

  1. lovemybabies

    lovemybabies New Member

    Hi all.. I am new here and have been reading and enjoying all of your advice! I have a 2 year old maltipoo who is very shy, a little on the skiddish side, and a big mamas boy.

    We recently installed a doggie door, and he WILL NOT go through it! We have tried everything from treats on both inside and out, to putting his head through and then repeating from the outside in. He STILL will not go out on his own using this door. It isthe kind that has the flapper with magnets on the bottom that seals it. Doesn't take much to open it, but I believe he is afraid of it. We took the flap off for awhile and he would come in and out with no problem... as soon as the flap was back on, no way!

    He is a very sensitive little guy, and we have taken precautions as to how we approach this with him...

    Any suggestions? I have other dogs that use it with no problem, and he sees them go in and out all the time. He would rather sit and bark at it than to use it?????

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member


    I was reading through your post and first thing I thought of was taking the door part off....but you already did that....hmmmm.

    So its the noise from the door closing hes afraid of? Maybe he doesnt like feeling it along his back as hes going through? Has he ever somehow got caught up in the door on his collar or something?

    If its the door itself he doesnt like you could try temporarily replacing it by putting a piece of material, like the stuff used for net curtains, its light and see through....let him get used to that and once he is okay with it, going through without hesitating then replace it with something a little heavier like a piece of a white sheet or light towel, he wont be able to see through it that but it wont make a noise as he goes through, this should get him used to feeling something along his back as he goes through....then maybe try replacing the door.

    If its just the noise of the door closing on the magnets....bit tricky....theres a couple of things that come to mind, one is to stop the door (just to begin with) from closing on the magnets, block the magnet area with some cardboard, itll desensitize him from the noise....he'll hear it still closing but theres less noise, then when hes got used to that replace the the cardboard with some think paper (but not as thick as the cardboard), therell be a little more noise....and gradually decreasing the thickness until you dont have to use it anymore. But with the door closed even with the cardboard in place youve still got to actually get him to go through....does he usually like treats? not regular doggy treats but something like small pieces of chicken, beef, cheese? Does he prefer to be indoors or outdoors? Have him on a regular length leash, you need to be on the side that he prefers to go to and youll need someone holding him on the other side so they can pass the leash to you (unless you can get through the door yourself) hold the door open for him all the way initially, giving him the treat when he gets to the side your on, use a lot of motivation as hes coming through (I dont know how he responds to excitment....you said hes sensitive and some dogs are over sensitive to the point where if you get too excited they become even more scared so use your own judgement on this) your voice, the motivation and the treat should all be happening as the door is closing...should distract him from any noises....initially let the door down gently...your going to be pulling him through on the leash, with the door open hopefully he wont put up a fight....if he does or he is reluctant to come through gently pull him, keep talking to him, motivating him, dont give into him pulling back, he has to come through. This could take a while and you should do the exercise with him a few times a day....gradually decreasing how much youve got the door open.
    I would also keep the other dogs seperated, maybe in another room while your doing this.

    There is another way you can do this but its going to be harder on the dog....just have someone on the other side of the door, 2 light leashes (one for each of you both attached to his collar) start off by holding the door open and pull him through, gently but firmly, still use some motivation and loosen up slightly on the leash intermittently to give him the opportunity to 'make the choice to go through' himself but dont let it drag out...then just hold the door open about half way...repeat the exercise....then almost closed but so he can still see outside a little....then just pull him gently so he has to come through the door.

    This is not the best way to do it, personally I prefer the softer approach but sometimes you just have to do it...you do have to be really careful, whichever way you do this that he doesnt get hurt by the door in any way, make sure it doesnt suddenly drop down on him, collar doesnt get caught, foot doesnt get stuck etc.
    Very important that he does not get away with pulling back away from the door while your desensitizing him....it only take one time for him to realize he doesnt 'have' to go through and all that does is make him more likely to put up a bigger 'fight'.

    Tip: if your using treats for this, do it before hes eaten so he will be more interested in the food.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Forgot to add....you said hes a mommas boy, use it to your advantage, although hes scared to go through the door if he sees the person hes most bonded to sitting on the other side of the door (you should be sitting on the ground for all this) knowing your his 'security' may make him more willing to come through.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther used to have a little doggie door at my other house, but he was terrified of it!!!The only time he would go through it was to get out of that room and he would come running at it full speed and cower through it and go and hide. We thought maybe he needed it bigger, so we made it bigger, didn't help. We never got to the phase with the doggie door on (so it was more of a doogie hole in a door?) But I say try it with out the door then get a light covering and then something thicker...etc... then put the door on. But if it is the hole he is afraid of, then maybe try teaching him to go through a hoop, then a smaller hoop and so forth.

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