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doggie has runs - any tips for now?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by casper, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. casper

    casper New Member


    my dog has has the runs since yesterday afternoon. its been getting progressively liquidier each time (3x). I'll take him to the vet if its not gone by tomorrow but I was wondering if anyone can suggest tips in the meantime.

    The only potential suspect for the cause is a t-bone steak that my bf fed him two days ago - other than that, his diet has been his normal dog food. Unless if he ate anything w/o me knowing but i dont' see anything missing...

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    You can try a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice for now. The rice should help firm up the stool. Try to encourage him to drink water as well to ensure that he does'nt become dehydrated.

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