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Dwarf Gourami

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by OneWolvesDream, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i have a large fishtank containing the fish below and a clown loach. i hd bought a dwarf gourami with the clown loach. though it died the following day. since i had bought it and added it in it looked ill and i wasnt sure. though with the fish i have is it safe to have a dwarf in there?
  2. Popeye

    Popeye New Member

    I dont see any trouble... should be fine!
  3. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    A solitary clown loach often tends to make life difficult for other aquarium dwellers only..But other than that.. clown loach are quite peaceful and do not attack other fishes.
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    The blue gouramis could be a problem. Gouramis can be pretty territorial towards other gouramis.

  5. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    well i told the guy at the store when he was gettin the fish to just get me two dwarfs and so i thought he did. when i got home i noticed that he had given me two blue gouramis. i dont have the heart to bring them back because they had a c#$%* tank and i dnt think it would be right. though they are not messing with my other fishesbut they are following eachother around. as for the clown loach yeah he/she is crazy but the others get along fine.

    but what do i do about the blue gourami?!? i have another 10 gal but there are 2 glass tetras in there, 1 pleco and a fish i cant remember the name off right now.
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    A 10 gallon is too small for blue gouramis. I would just leave them where they are. And don't add any more fish to the 29, it's already pretty fully stocked.

    If those are common plecos, they really aren't suited for anything smaller than a 40 gallon.

    And clown loaches prefer to be in groups. But they will get around 12". They do take a while to get there, but in a few years you may have to start thinking about new living arrangements for the loach.


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