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Dyeing my poodle

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by princessmaddy, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. princessmaddy

    princessmaddy New Member

    I am doing a photo shoot with my doggys for my web site and I would like to dye my poodle pink. I dont want to hurt him so thought I would ask here. I saw one at a recent pet expo in Chicago. Could someone please help me?
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I have heard Kool-Aid is good for that. Someone awhile back posted about dyeing a dog so try doing a search on Auspet, you may find the post.
  3. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    Pet-silk products! :eek:
    You buy pink and white and mix it until you get the shade of pink you want, and it lists all of the other steps on there as well, but it's not absolutely necessary to buy their specific shampoos and rinses too. As long as you wash your dog before then put on the color and rinse it out with more shampoo of your choice like whatever you normally use on your dog and then use some doggie conditioner to replace any lost oils. Good luck!
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Your poodle is red right? I have not done this before. But I will say, my sons are into dyeing their hair. They have dark hair so they have to breach it first. I would think doing that to a poodle coat would really damage the coat. Cool aide would be easier on it, but with a red coat, would you even see it? I would talk to some groomers. Maybe even try to contact some show people. Not dog show, but movie people.
  5. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    ooh she has a red poodle? I was under the impression it was white or light beige. if thats the case, when dying any type of hair the only way to go lighter is with bleach, so you could only dye him a color that is darker than he already is. like a dark pink, but because he's red it may just look dark red unless you mixed it with a little drop of blue to make it more of a fuschia tone instead.
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I'm not certain, but thats the impression I got on the other thread about 14 weeks being too old.

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