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Early Morning Love from the baby

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by EternalFlame, May 29, 2006.

  1. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    ok, i haven't actually -started- a topic here for awhile and gosh darnit i wanted to!! *stomps foot and grins*


    With lil Raz as my usual inspiration i wanted to tell my story then hear yours!

    Raz is a very independant little man. However he usually likes to always be within 4 feet of me and or at the very least the same room. When i move he moves.

    He was never really a 'snuggler' like Lex...(Lex is just a teddy bear that came to life... but anyway...)

    i digress. In the mornings (only) his body is taken over by the spirit of a cat who never got much attention or love it seems. He turns into this little, burrowing purr machine which simply HAS to find my face, lick it all over, then continue to dig his way under my chin where he plays with my hair, (always purring) and butting his head against my jaw.

    He's even more happy when i snuggle him back (i'm so scared i'm gonna squeeze the craps outta the lil guy heh) He will do all this until i stop.

    Then, depending on his mood he will either take up sentry ontop of my head, lay -over- my neck or lay infront of my face so that my breath tickles his whiskers. or just leave.

    SO now that i've gushed about Raz, let's hear about your fur babies morning love habits?
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Awe...that's sweet. Here's what my orange boys does:
    He wakes up at 4am (I don't want to get up until 4:45) and gets off of the bed and I can hear him go down the hall. Probably to check that the food fairy hasn't come to see him yet. :roll: Then he comes back into the bedroom and announces himself by starting that purr-chortle-meow thing. Do yall know what sound I'm talking about? He addresses the dogs first and tries to get them up because he knows I will then get up. If that doesn't work he'll then stick his paws through the dog crate and wake up Brie who will then start to yip and cry. I've had enough at that time so I usually get on up and start my routine which includes feeding him first. :?
  3. ttchwrth

    ttchwrth New Member

    My Bugsy used to wake me up by batting/smacking my face as fast as he could with one of his paws. Later he learned that just lightly pawing my face was enough to wake me up. I'd have to grab and hug him to make him stop. I miss him.

    My new kitty Jaspurr likes to wake me up just like Raz.
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Cute stories.

    When I wake up my kitties come right next to me. Mittens up next to my head and Socks next to me on the other side. I'm surrounded by cats. :mrgreen:

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