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Excessive chewing on belly

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by arndt_dre, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. arndt_dre

    arndt_dre New Member

    My cat has had an e-collar on for the past ten months. Every time we take the collar off he directly goes for his nipples on his belly. He has chewed all the hair off. He can rip them open with the e-collar on. we have had him to two vets. He has been on steriods, antibiotics and anti-anxiety medication. I don't know what to do.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    have you considered a food allergy?
  3. arndt_dre

    arndt_dre New Member

    Thanks! That is what we thought. We changed detergents, food everything. Its like he doesn't wnat his nipples.
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    read the labels of any dry food you are feeding him. If corn is listed in the top 10 ingredients it's a main ingredient. Many cats are allergic to corn and sometimes the excessive licking is simply relted to that.
    could also be anxiety/stress related which is really hard to break and the right combo of the anxiety meds can take a long time to figure out.
    I had a foster last year who suffered from this her entire life and her former owner had her on pills for 5 years but the behavior didn't stop. Once Scooter got adopter her new owner didn't just stop with giving her a pill....they tried several dosages, several different types of anti-anxiety meds (over the course of months) and eventually they found the right dose, the right combo of drugs. Scooter hasn't licked her belly (or tail) raw in months now and for the past month has been able to not take any drugs.

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