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Experiences with Merrick dry/Innova EVO/Innova/Wellness?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by cleosmommy, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. cleosmommy

    cleosmommy New Member

    I am in the process of changing my shihpoo puppies' dog foods - right now they eat Wellness puppy and the vet said to change them to adult food. Wellness is so hard to find near me and so I am exploring other options. Does anyone have experience with Wellness/Merrick dry/Innova EVO and/or Innova? Please share!
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I've used Innova in the past and was very pleased with it. My mother (poodle), grandmother (shih tzu) and a friend (yorkie) all use Innova and have been happy with it. I don't have any experience with with EVO or Merrick.
  3. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Chobby was on Innova Puppy when he was a pup. The result was terrific!!! His hair became very soft and shiny. Since he gained weight too fast on Innova, he is on Wysong adult food now. I also had him on Innova Evo in the past, and it was a great diet. However, I couldn't keep him on it because its protein level is too high and he has had hip problems. Sorry, I have no experience with merrick. But hope this helps.
  4. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I've heard positive comments about Innova also.... My shihpoo was on NUTRO as a puppy and some of adult.... but I switched him to Eukanuba when he suddenly got too picky and wouldn't eat his dog food. We've had positive results with the Eukanuba (but use the little bites) :)

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