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Eye Problems with Shih-Poo!!Please help

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by kimieloub, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. kimieloub

    kimieloub New Member

    I have a 1 yr old shih-poo female. We have taken her to the vet about her vision issues and the vet says here eyes are healthy but because here pupils are so large she may not be able to see as clear during the day when the sun is bright. She always throws here treats around before she eats them and unless they land in front of her she has a hard time finding them. Her eyes sometimes look blue it certain light. She has a hard time seeing things up close and judging distance. Can anyone give me any advice. I am worried to death. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Don't worry so much. Even if she were totally blind, she'd get along just fine. But she's not, so don't get upset. Dogs don't read the newspaper or do needlepoint. If her vision is less than perfect, she'll adjust.

    If you're concerned that she may have some organic disease that's affecting her eyes, get a second opinion from another vet, or take her to a veterinary school for evaluation by a veterinary ophthamologist.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi since your shih poo is only 1year old chances are she was born with this problem and could have been caused by some sort of trauma.

    I would get a second opinion if you are worried as all vets have different opinions and answers on things.
    Chances are something might be able to be done to help her vision.

    Animals with blindness and deafness even animals that have lost limbs adjust themselves to cope with there problem it can take a ciuple of weeks for her to adjust but when she does you will seem to notice she is still a normal well adjusted animal.
    Because its her sight thats effected her other sences will take over her hearing will become better so eventually she will tune this to hear better especially when a toy or treat falls to the floor away from her, Her sence of smell will also become better than ever.

    I would not worry too much but like i say if you are really worried a second opinion is always best.

  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    having some eye problems

    Bonnie, my whippet may have had something similar, it didn't start until she was about 7 years old though, both pupils were fully dilated permanently until she passed away at almost 17 last year, the only time it seemed to bother her was on very bright days then she would squint a lot and her eyes would tear up, she could spend an entire car journey with her eyes closed so I got her used to wearing sunglasses.
    I took her to 3 different vets, unfortunately I can't remember what the condition was called, 2 of the vets had no clue, not that they were bad vets they just hadn't seen it before, I was worried that it might be tumour but it turned out to be a genetic condition, it never caused any eye infections and she never had a problem finding food as long as she wasnt outside.

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