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feeding piranha's?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by briaga_one, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. briaga_one

    briaga_one New Member

    looking at getting piranha's. What or how should they be fed?
    is beef heart sutable or not? Any help would be greatly apriciated.
  2. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    yes you can feed them beef heart
  3. needlefish1

    needlefish1 New Member

    piranhas are awesome. are u going to get a black piranha or a red belly? they are a lot more active in a large tank ina large group. they are more active when they get older too
  4. H@VOC

    H@VOC New Member

    Im also looking into piranha's... the only problem is that i dunno if i can get them where i live - South Africa... will have to ask around!

    Cant you feed them small mice :D
  5. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    I have had 4 Red Belly Piranha for about a year and a half. They can eat virtually anything. They love feeder minnows and their immune systems are among the strongest of fish because they can get rid of their own ich in 2 days or less (mine did). If you feed them mice, you shouldnt keep the hair on them but you can (there's been reports that they have sickened piranha). You can also feed them dead frogs and any other fish you like. I would suggest getting a plecostomus in the tank to clean up some stuff (the only fish they wont attack). They have been reported to eat dried dogfood and catfood (I dont feed them that). Feed them virtually any kind of meat (I am feeding mine 4 rabbit legs as we speak). Anyways.... have fun and experiment but don't abuse them. And you should keep in mind, they are very skittish and may not eat in front of you (most do though)...
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You should not feed fish mammal meat. It contains way too much fat and fish don't have a high enough body temperature to properly digest it. Same goes for dog & cat food.

  7. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    i have never had a problem with them digesting it. i have been doing this for the last week, and they always eat it right away when it hits the bottom and they go crazy over it. i think the fat would be good for them wouldnt it?
  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    No, it's not healthy. All that unsaturated fat gets stored in the fish's liver and can eventually kill it.

  9. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Yeah, I have seen a video of someone feeding their piranhas mice, but as cool and sickening it was I still have to agree with t_chelle that its not really thay healthy to feed your fish mice.
  10. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    i will agree with her too. but anyways, enough about agreeing you get the point. its ur choice if ur gon feed it mice or not but for my piranhas it is only a treat once in awhile. I skin em too.
  11. vrion

    vrion New Member


    Are Piranha's too agrresive that they will bite your fingers upon dipping into the water? If so, how do you clean the tank? What do you set them up, gravel, sand? What are their temperature and PH range?

    Too many questions :D :wink: :oops: Im also thining of getting Piranhas


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