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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by LilDevil537, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. LilDevil537

    LilDevil537 New Member

    Is it safe to feed goldfishes Betta pellets? Because my betta died and now I have four goldfishes and a whole container of Betta food that I cant do anything with. Would it be safe to feed my goldfishes the Betta food or not. Please reply, thanks in advance.
  2. LilDevil537

    LilDevil537 New Member

    ne 1? plz?
  3. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Welcome to Auspet!
    Some people say that it is bad, but I have to admit that I mix foods. A more important question would be...is your goldfish in a large enough tank, as they can grow very large. :shock:
    If the fishes aren't picky, then there is no reason to let the food go to waste.
  4. LilDevil537

    LilDevil537 New Member

    Thank you so much! I actually do think that my tank is big enough, I have four goldfishes and a 10 gallon tank, I think its ok because none of the goldfishes are bigger than 2 inches. I was just kind of worried about mixing food because my first goldfish, I fed it Tropical food on accident and it died two weeks later. Thanks so much for helping!
  5. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    Unfortunately your tank really isn't big enough :( Gold fish are such waste producers that they really need ten gallons per fish to be healthy. And I am saying this from experience. I had 10 feeder goldfish in a 26 gallon tank once, they were the only fish, and it was impossible to keep them healthy and keep the tank clean. IMO goldfish are best left to ponds. Hate to be the little storm cloud but I'm just passing along what I've learned through experience.
  6. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    There are so many factors that can attribute to a fish death. I just don't think that fish food is one of them. Goldfish produce a lot of ammonia and need really good filtration and big tanks. The best place for a goldfish is truthfully in a pond. Be careful, you will hear more opinions in the hours that follow. Don't let them get you down. Just know that we are really trying to help you become a better fishkeeper. I learn something here every day! :D
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I have to agree, your tank isn't large enough.

    Depending on what type of gold fish they are, they should get anywhere from 8" - 12"+. The fancy goldfish (ball shaped ones) and shubunkins really need at least 20 gallons each. Comet & commons (long bodies and orange colored) can get over 12" and need at least 50 gallons each.

  8. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    For your original question, I've fed my guppies betta flakes and pellets when i was out of tropical fish flake. mine are like goats.

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