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Female Bichon Poo Bahaviour

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Rebecca Eide, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. Rebecca Eide

    Rebecca Eide New Member

    I own a Bichon Poo that is 2 years old. A very active happy dog. On occasion she will look under chairs and low objects then walk under them and act very strange. Like she is hiding and scared but only after she gets under them. Is she trying to make mystery in her life or could this be her trying to tell me something??
  2. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    Ghosts, you must have ghosts. LOL! Anyway, have her vision checked.......since my old lady has gotten dimmer and dimmer sight, she spooks at all kinds of hoodoos.
  3. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Yea Ditto to what Gypsy says..Maybe she cant see well in dark places???
    A vet check is always the way to go when you think something might be odd, it rules out any physical problems..Then you can work with her to find and search out her personality, things she doesn't like and things she loves, and things she is scared of, I'm sure it will be fine... :D
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    A trip to the vet is a good idea. And while you're there, ask if what's going on could be some type of seizure disorder. She's right about the age where some types of seizure disorders become evident, and some of the things you've described sound like it could be focal seizures.

    I had a dog that would stick her head behind a curtain and freeze, standing there for several minutes, then go on as if nothing happened. Focal seizure. Another one would stand with one foot poised in the air for 30 seconds to a minute, then take three steps, vomit, and then act perfectly normal. Focal seizure. And I've seen many dogs who will suddenly act fearful, anxious; hiding and trembling, who are having focal seizures. A lot of them will develop "fly biting" activity; snapping in the air like they're trying to catch a fly that isn't there.

    Now, DON'T get in a panic. I'm only suggesting this as one of many reasons for your dog's behavior. And even if she's suffering from a seizure disorder, there's still no reason to panic. All of the above mentioned dogs lived perfectly happy, long healthy lives and never required seizure control medications. It's just a little electrical "storm" in the brain, rarely progresses past the focal stage, and doesn't affect the quality of life. You just have to view it as one of their personal quirks, and realize that the dog isn't REALLY afraid, it's just their brain causing physical responses that look like fear.
  5. gypsy

    gypsy New Member

    Now that is an interesting one, thank you for posting it. Might also add: seizure meds really aren't that big a deal. Had old dog on primidone for her epilepsy for the last 5-6 years of her life..........cheap, and just another pill in the am.........

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