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FiFi's Big Day Out!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by 4Dogsihave, May 16, 2004.

  1. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Ok first I have to give you guys a little backround cause I was sooo nervous today. Fifi our black pom was given to us about a year ago by a woman my hubby works with. She couldent deal with the housebreaking and shedding so she had enough and gave her to us. Anyway my hubby plays softball with her and they had their first game today. She wanted me to bring Fifi so she and the kids could see her and make sure she was doing well with us. I was so hesitant cause I have been so scared they would want her back. Well they broke my heart cause I did not know Fifi was her daughters 7th birthday present but they were unprepared for a dog, and the kids didnt help them too much with her as they promised. (Sigh) The little girl was soo thrilled to see her. They were very happy with our care of her and thanked me like a million times.

    Anyway, Fifi doesnt get to go many places with us since she gets carsick. She was the belle of the ball! Behaved so wonderfully and showed them how spoiled she is! My 4yo pushed her around in her stroller most of the day. And with the exception of one little fight over who would hold the leash all went well. (My 4yo has a little problem with sharing and the MINE MINE thing kicked in.) But I was just soo proud of her I didnt know how she would act since she doesnt go out much. Hopefully I will be able to get the pics on here, they took a few of her with the kids.
  2. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Sounds like a good day at the ballpark. BoBo goes with us to my grandsons ballgames.He has a ball and the kids love him.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: How wonderful, glad everything went so nicely!!! :eek:

    What a great story, glad you shared! :y_the_best:

    Can't wait to see those pics.! :mrgreen:
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Great Story ! Loved it .
    I know the 'mine ,mine 'thing .I got a 22 year old ...still has it as his first defense ...'MINE ,MINE !! LOL ! :eek:
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Can't wait to see pics of FiFi!! :)
    and....um.........sheeeesh... BAILEY does the MINE MINE game too! :)
  6. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Aw, what a great story!! Looking forward to seeing pictures! :D

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