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Figure 8 puffer... or somthing like that

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Iggystar, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Iggystar

    Iggystar New Member

    I have somthing along the lines of a figure eight puffer. It has the yellow curvy lines though and i forgot what it was called. But i was wondering what other fish would go good with it? right now he/she is in a 20 gallon aquarium by his/her self. (don't know if it is male or female.. how can you tell) thanks-IggyStar
  2. Iggystar

    Iggystar New Member

    oh yeah. since it can go in either salt or fresh water aquarium i have bugs (that is its name) in my salt water aquarium. Bugs would eat all my other fish in my fresh water aquarium. :?
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You really need to figure out exactly what you have since puffers can range from strictly freshwater to brackish, to strictly saltwater. They also vary greatly in size (from 1 inch to 3 feet).

    Can you post a picture?

  4. Iggystar

    Iggystar New Member

    i tried to get a picture of bugs but it turned out very blurry. bugs is only 2in or maybe even 3. But he is very small. he was in brakish water but now he is in salt. (don't worry i made sure he got use to it before i put him in the big tank)
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Does he look like this:

    Is there some reason you moved him from brackish to full saltwater? Brackish doesn't mean a fish can be in anything from full fresh to full salt. It means that they need some salt, but not necessarily a full saltwater tank. If that is a figure 8 puffer, they can tollerate freshwater, but do much better in slightly brackish water. I would not keep it in a full saltwater tank.


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