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Final roster, hows it look?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by drab911, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Well I have now got a fully stocked tank.. well I hope I can keep it this way!
    I have now got:
    1- Gourami
    4- Black Neon Tetras
    2- Otocats
    2- Platys
    2- Zebra Danios
    2- African Dwarf frogs
    These fish are all in a 16 gallon bow front tank.. which is heavily planted.. the water is a little bit white milky looking.. which I belive is a bacteria bloom? What do you think?? Though I still have 0 ammonia and nitrites and the nitrates are around 10-15 I just did a 30% water change as I do bi weekly..
    Do you think this tank is OK the way it is?? The only thing i plan on gettin is an apple snail and a freshwater clam..
    if i have too many fish I have a donar tank so it wouldnt be a big deal though id like to keep em.. so thanks for any suggestions
  2. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Well my gourami was tormenting all the other fish so I seperated hiim.. so minus the gourami how does it look? hehe thanks
  3. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Be careful not to overfeed and you might be okay. Another possible problem may arise with the frogs. I've had frogs actually jump out of tanks before, and they can sometimes go after smaller fishes.
  4. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Sounds ok to me, be careful not to over stock, Do u know the parameters to follow whem stocking fish?
  5. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I personally think it is a tad big overstocked for a 16 gallon, but depending on how well you are able to maintain your ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, you might be good.
  6. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    all my levels are steady and low.. so I think i am going to be OK I think the amount of plants which I have is helping me.. I bought this stuff to help with algae bloom and now it is crystal clear... looks beautiful do you guys suggest anything to help with black hair algae? its my only issue now.. just on a couple plants.. i got 2 japonica shrimp today.. should they help>

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