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Fish DYING one by one...

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by tyler_medeiros, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Our recently started tank, about a month old, is slowing killing our fish off one a day.
    We have 4 Red Tetras, 2 Blue Tetras, 6 Metallic Blue Zebras Danios, 1 Gourami, 1 Pleco, and 4 Male Guppies in a 29 Galon tank.
    The nitrite spiked huge and was at 3.3, then we did a water change and it went down to 1.6. Last night we had lost one of the red tetras and its fins were completely gone. Then the day before we had lots another one and it was dead, stuck in a plant. Yesterday as well we lost a metallic blue. This morning we woke up to another metallic blue with its fins completely gone and it was just floating with the current from the filter, still breathing. I think now its dead. My boyfriend is setting up a "Hospital Tank" to take out the ones that are okay yet so we can do another water change. The Gourami, Blue Tetras, Pleco and Guppies are ok. But the metallic blues fins are all starting to look ripped and almost non-existant.
    So, from our 17 fish we're down to like 13 in only about three days. What should we do to fix this and help get the tank to finish its cycle? Any products we should get? Should we divide the metallics from the others because they are so badly falling apart? HELP US PLEASE??!!!
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    About the only things you can buy that might help are some seeded media (if your LFS is willing to sell it) or some biospira. But really since you're already getting nitrItes, you should probably just keep up with lots and lots of water changes. Also, I wouldn't remove the fish to a hospital tank. If it's not cycled then it won't be any different than if you left them in the 29 gallon.


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