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Flea control, what is the difference?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Cootiesmom, Nov 21, 2005.

  1. Cootiesmom

    Cootiesmom New Member

    I was wondering what the difference was between the flea control products at the vets (Frontline, atvantage) and the stuff sold in pet stores (Hartz etc.) There is such a huge price difference and it would really help if I could buy the pet store kind, but I don't want to put my pets health at risk.
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I would never, ever use the Hartz products. There have been serious even fatal consequences with the Hartz. My dogs also had a reaction to the BioSpot. I stick with Frontline and use Advantage too.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    difference in prices = difference in quality. You get what you pay for. You can buy Hartz products and possibly have your dogs get sick and maybe die (which some pets have from this stuff) and still have fleas, or you can spend more and have your dogs be safe and no fleas.
    Hartz flea drops are being completely removed from store shelves next year per order of the FDA - it's about time too. I've stopped people from buying that crap when I see them checking it out in the stores.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    The different flea products vary in the types of pesticides that are included...some more harmful to pets than others. I would definately not use anything you can buy over the counter.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I agree 100% with Mary and nern. I use Frontline and only get it through the vet (in Germany we can now get it through a pharmasist over the counter) but other than that I wouldnt buy it from anywhere else including on line.

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