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fleas help please!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by girlygrl310, Sep 17, 2004.

  1. girlygrl310

    girlygrl310 New Member

    i need help on how to get rid of fleas...my dog slept in my bed and now my bed has fleas and i washed my sheets but seems to still be there and also i give him a flea bath and then i use this oil stuff that kills the fleas but how do i keep them away beacuse they seem to keep coming back and how do i kill them outside as well...thanks
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Do you currently have you dog on any regular flea treatment? I would start him/her on that and also Flea bomb your house. Those little buggers are quite resilant and when we had a breakout that was the only thing that worked. You can get those at wal-mart or other like stores. As far as outside if you treat your dog they wont come in with it. But I dont know if there is a way to treat your dog. I would definatley say a preventative will really help in your case. I have found alot of those oils dont work really well.

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