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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well it seems that if it rains any more, we'll be driving round in the boat!! Litterally! We've gotten over 7 1/2 inches of rain in the past 2 days, and its still raining....

    Everyone's safe and sound, but Kennels had to be moved and the shop has now turned in to the shelter. LOL... The kittens are occupying the living area, and the dogs are inside the SHop area.

    The horse are getting treatments of iodine on their hooves two times a day to prevent hoof rot and thrush.

    Boy.... no matter where you go, your knee deep in water!!!
    Driving to work was intresting. You couldn't see th car in front of you and I had to drive through 3 parts of the road underwater at least a foot.

    The Colorado river is usually 8 foot at the bridge....its at 32 foot this morning.

    Wish us luck. I'mjust about waterlogged!
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    sams now you be careful, no more driving over places where you can'T see the road! you should know better, I don't want you swept downstream!
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yeah, yeah, yeah...yes mother!! lol..

    I know. But around here thats the only thing you can do. I know better than to go through anything deep. If I can still see my tire's its ok. Just as long as I don't slow down or stop.

    Around here. You don't get off pavement when it rains. You'll sink like a rock!!! I don't know how many people are in the ditches waiting to be pulled out. Idiots....

    Granvel is making a killing dragging people out. His welding truck is heavy enough he can do it with no problem.

    Reckers are also VERY busy....
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Last night was very bad....
    I got home around 6pm and could not get to the road to my house. I waded thigh and waist deep down the road into our property. Granvel was aleady there his truck underwater half way up the doors....

    Smokey and others were litterally swimming because their feet could not touch the ground in their kennels. I rushed to get them out. Granvel had moved the horses to the back of our property where there was a spot about the size of an average living room.....

    I had water thigh high in my front yard......
    WEre lucky the Shop is on a high foundation and only a skim of water was in it....

    I had 2 1/2 - 3 feet of water on my back porch.

    We had to use the Dump truck to get Granvel's truck out (he left it running which saved it. Had he turned it off, the watter would have gotten into the motor and up the tail pipes....)
    He was down in the shop when it started to rain, and he said within a matter of mere minutes the water rose a foot, and before he could get to his truck, it was under. He tried to move it and when he put it in gear, it sunk past the top of the bed. We were able to get the '97 international dump truck (18wheeler) and after 3 hours we finally got it out. The inside will have to all be torn out and the transmission will need work, BUt at least its not totalled. My truck got water in the floorboards, so i have to rip out all the carpeting....

    The flood plain for the Colorado River where we live is at 32 feet. Normally its at 8 feet. Last night it was at 43 feet.

    And still rising.

    Skull Creek is the reason we flooded as bad as we did. The "brilliant" engineers thought they would re work the roads and ditches. WEll Instead of the water flowing OUT it all flowed back IN towards town, and the houses around town.....
    Several people were sweeping water out of their houses, pulling out carpet.
    Granvel is busy using the dump truck to pull peoples vehicles out to higher ground so they can get out and go to work, whatever......

    We're expected to get more rain.
    So if you don't hear from me for a few days. I'm trying to dry off!!!
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    OH sams, I hope you stay safe!!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    we're trying.
    I couldn't get ahold of Granvel for the life of me.... I kept thinking something was wrong so I sent his brother over to the house (I had to come into work for a closing) anyhow...him and his best friend Jermy are out on the three wheeler. Ones riding the three wheeler pulling the other on a knee board down the ditch....

    UGH!!! i got soo mad. thinking something was wrong.....
    At least he got what he needed to get done before he started playing!
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I understand completely, Ihate that when I get so worried, come to find out their out having fun!!

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