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found a new stray...breed?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by someday, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. someday

    someday New Member

    Well, about two days ago "Buddy" wandered into my life...after a call from a neighbor asking if Annie was out because a reddish dog was in her bushes...I went out to investigate since Annie was of course right beside me in the house and found a very skinny, skiddish male dog...with some coaxing with food I made friends and have been his foster mommy since...he's very scared of male people...but seems ok around females so long as they move slowly until he gets to know them...but me he follows like a shadow...he's all scraped up under his ears and down his neck with some scrapes on his back leg too...wonder what his story his...poor fella. Apparently he hasn't been eating much because in the 2 days i've been feeding him he's already put on noticable weight. I may have a home lined up for him with some friends though...he's really just a big sweetie once he gets to know someone...and shows no agression with his fear.

    so..here's some pictures of the boy...any idea on his breed? I think he's part golden..maybe part lab...but he's got some interesting brown spots on his white socks in front...he sure is cute though!

  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Yellow Lab/Beagle? That sure looks like a Beagle face.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Lab mix....I was wondering where did he got those eyes :shock: Id go with a little Beagle being in the mix.
  4. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member


    What a handsome fellow. I have to agree here. He looks like he is maybe lab/beagle mix. How big is he?
    Do you think he is lost? I guess no tags? Did he look very unkept? Is he neutered?
    I'm just asking because he probably could benefit from a vet check to r/o heart worm and to make sure he has his rabies shots and gets neutered before he gets placed. You may want to call a local organization in your area that can assist with vet bills and neutering him if you place him. That way the bill will not fall on the new person's lab.

    How about you keeping him? LOL.

    Would Annie love a brother???

    Thank goodness he fell into your hands.

    Good luck placing him.

  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    i think beagle too, looking in his eyes, that is immediatley what i thought, but then his body looks so big so I guess maybe a lab or something, but id on't think it looks very much like a lab.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    what a cutie
  7. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    Have to agree with the others - Beagle/Lab is highly likely.
  8. someday

    someday New Member

    Yes, he definetely needs to go to the vet before being placed...I don't think he's been cared for in quite some time. I took him to meet the couple, but they decided he wasn't the dog for them..so poor Buddy. I'd really like to keep him. I'm the only person he's bonded to, and stares up at me with those adoring eyes and makes me want to melt...plus Annie really likes him. But it was hard enough to get our new landlord to allow Annie in a no pet house...so I don't think I want to push my luck with a dog that i don't know if it's housebroken or not. So, Buddy still needs a home...anyone interested??
    He really needs someone who is patient and he can trust...he's timid and most things scare him although he shows no aggression. I tried to cable him out today and quickly found that it was not a good idea...he tried to follow me as I went to grab his bucket of water and hit the end of the cable and went into hysterics...screaming and turning flips...I calmed him and took him off, which luckily he trusted me enough to freeze and sit until I liberated him. So, this guy has had an interesting past i'm sure
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    yep he has lab, I know how you mentioned earlier abut your landlord and Annie so you are right not to push it, but you probably want to tell them you found him out front loose and nursing him back to health if they are wondering why you hav another big dog. and you will be finding a home for him soon.

    Good luck!!
  10. someday

    someday New Member

    luckily I don't have to deal with my landlord right now. I'm currently in Texas with my parents...so I just can't take the dog back to Missouri in august with me. He's perfectly fine here until he finds a home(well..my dad is grumbling,of course,because he always does when the strays show up :mrgreen: ) I walked Buddy with Annie and Ranger last night and he does suprisingly well of a leash. He pulls ahead, but when he feels pressure he calmly slows down..so that's good....I just really need to build his confidence with other people...he's fine around all dogs we've met so far.
  11. someday

    someday New Member

    Buddy found a home!!! :eek:
    A very nice woman my fiance works with said she would be willing to take him, but wants him fixed first(no problem...that was going to be done anyways)...so..i'm busy trying to get him in to the vet quickly...but the cheapest vet is booked up for 2 weeks...so..i'm trying to get ahold of our very grass roots humane society here town that supposedly has a low cost spay/neuter program...but i think i'm just going to have to wait until this lady is off work to get any info on it. so i'm crossing my fingers he can get done this week for under $100 bucks..hehe
  12. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    wow that was quick! I am so happy for him! go buddy!!
  13. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    He is very handsome! Weird mix, I hope the mommy wasn't the beagle!
    :shock: Those would be some big babies to carry around.
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    that is great news!

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