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Freckles is Now a "New" Breed

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    After a year of hearing suggestions over what mix may be in Freckles, and having people at the dog park constantly asking about his breeding, I now have decided that Freckles is the first and only "Pied-Eye Australian Border Spaniel". That should cover it.
    When I tell people that they usually say that they have never seen one before and I tell them that they probably never will again. He is one of a kind. :eek:
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I made a breed title for one of mine, I still dont know what she has in her but now shes an English Spitz....I did look first to make sure there was no such breed but a while after I put her in the computer at the vets as one there were a few other English Spitz's entered :shock: :lol:
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    uh oh dukesdad, now people are going to start contacting you about your 'designer breed' dog!!!
    delauk, what does your dog look like? I can't remeber if I have seen pics or not? I ask bc, my dog, here in America, is an American Eskimo Spitz/mix (I got him at the pound, don't know for sure what he is other than that) but in Germany, when I would say that is what he is people would say no he is just a Spitz! and I would say something like a white spitz and they would say a spitz is a spitz no matter what color, like a lab is still a lab even thugh there are choc, yellow and black. But now when I read about AESpitz, it says that they are no longer refeerred to as A.E.Spitz, but as just A.E.Dog, which I think seems sort of boring!
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I think I did put a description of her in her a while ago, no pic though, she weighs 55# (she almost 5 years old) tail like an Akita, body shape of a Dalmatian, head like a kelpie, coat of a schipperke, pure black including her entire tongue, dark brown/black eyes, plays like a coyote, smart as a well bred German Shepherd with the attitude of a badly bred Chow, she was found in a trash can when she about a day old so we really had no idea what she was, every week during her first few months she looked like something different. She was found in the High Desert area of S.California.
  5. Cheryl

    Cheryl New Member

    I finally decided on "Muttapoo" for my old dog Tammy (RIP)

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