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freshwater tangs ?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Fish Addict, Apr 21, 2004.


are they're freshwater tangs

  1. yes there are

    0 vote(s)
  2. No there isn't

    0 vote(s)
  3. i have no clue

    0 vote(s)
  1. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    was just wonder if their are fresh water tangs or if there is a fresh water fish that looks a little like a tang
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I did a quick google search and didn't come up with anything so for now I'm going to have to say no, there aren't any.

  3. Tank

    Tank New Member

    :0011: What is a tang????????
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

  5. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yea, ther is no such thing as a freshwater tang, only marine tangs. t_chelle is right, the closest thing that looks like a tank would either be an angel or a discus
  6. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    what fish is this
    <img src="http://www.bryansaquarium.com/a6064%5B1%5D.jpg" width="240" height="240">
  7. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I can't see the pic.

  9. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

  10. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I think they makers of that product just decided to add a pretty yellow fish to the label. I don't think they really cared about the yellow one being saltwater and the other two being freshwater.

  11. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    it would b cool if there was but unfortunatly there is none :(

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